
Charges reported under the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act (2012) in 2012-13

Information about charges reported to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) by the police in 2012-13 under the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act (2012).

Annex A - Section 1 2011-12

The Act came into Force on 1 March 2012, which was the final month of the 2011-12 financial year. For completeness here are the main tables for charges reported in 2011-12.

Table 1: Number of Accused/Incident per Charge

Number of Charges Number of Separate Accused Number of Separate 'incidents' % of 'incidents'
1 14 14 70.0
2 4 2 10.0
3 4 2 10.0
8 8 1 5.0
33 28 1 5.0
Total 58 20 100.0

Table 2: Age Breakdown of Accused

Age Group Number of Charges %
Under 16 0 0.0
16-20 7 10.8
21-30 21 32.3
31-40 17 26.2
41-50 19 29.2
51-60 1 1.5
Over 60 0 0.0
Total 65 100.0

Table 3: Alcohol and Drug Related Charges

Number of Charges %
Drink 41 63.1
Drugs 3 4.6

Table 4: Nature of Offence

Number of Charges %
Hateful Behaviour 19 29.2
of which: Religion 16 24.6
Race 3 4.6
Sexual Indentity 0 0.0
Disability 0 0.0
Transgender 0 0.0
Threatening Behaviour 47 72.3
Otherwise Offensive Behaviour 2 3.1

Table 5: Method of Abuse

Method of Abuse Number of Charges %
Banner 1 1.5
Gesture 3 4.6
Speech 14 21.5
Singing 8 12.3
Generally Offensive Behaviour 44 67.7

Table 6: Location of Charges

Local Authority Area Number of Charges % Number of Charges Per 100,000 Population
Aberdeen City 2 3.1 1
Dundee City 2 3.1 1
Edinburgh, City of 1 1.5 0
Falkirk 1 1.5 1
Glasgow City 51 78.5 9
South Ayrshire 8 12.3 7
Total 65 100.0

Table 7: Locus of Charges

Locus of Offence Number of Charges %
Football Stadium 13 20.0
Main Street 5 7.7
Railway Station 34 52.3
Residential Area 10 15.4
Other 3 4.6
Total 65 100.0

Table 8: Charges from Incidents at Football Stadiums

Football Stadium Number of Charges %
Ibrox Stadium 7 53.8
Other 6 46.2
Total 13 100.0

Table 9: Football Affiliation of the Accused

Football Affiliation Number of Charges %
Celtic 5 7.7
Hibs 36 55.4
Rangers 14 21.5
Other 5 7.7
Unknown 5 7.7
Total 65 100.0

Table 10: Football Fixtures Associated with Charges

Date of Fixture Fixture Number of Charges %
10/03/2012 Ayr United v Hibs 43 66.2
18/03/2012 Celtic v Kilmarnock 5 7.7
25/03/2012 Rangers v Celtic 6 9.2
Other Fixture 11 16.9
Total 65 100.0

Table 11: Victims of the Offensive Behaviour

Victim Number of Charges %
Community 24 36.9
Member of the Public 42 64.6
Other 5 7.7

Table 12: Recorded Disposals

Disposal Number of Charges %
Community Penalty 4 16.0
Custody 4 16.0
Football Banning Order 1 4.0
Monetary Penalty 15 60.0
Warning 1 4.0
Total 25 100.0


Email: Ben Cavanagh

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