Building a new Scotland: a stronger economy with independence - easy read

Easy read summary of the Scottish Government’s proposals for the economy of an independent Scotland. Further details, including the range of evidence that informs the proposals, references to sources and analysis, and the rationale for these proposals, are set out in the full publication.

What the words mean


The word used to describe the UK leaving the European Union.

The Common Travel area

The open borders for movement of people between the UK, Ireland, The Channel Islands and The Isle of Man.

Cost of living

The money we need to pay our bills and buy our food, clothes and other things we need.

Cyber security

How computers are protected from being attacked.


The type of money a country uses.


All of the activities involved in making, buying and selling of things in a country.


Another word for money.


People moving to live in another country.


How we measure the price of things over time.


A system that makes a country work. This can be things like transport, communication, schools, hospitals.

National minimum wage

The amount of money set by government that employers must at least pay their employees.

Natural resources

Things like wind, sun and the sea that can be used to make power.


Plans that a government makes to run the country.

Social justice

Where everyone is treated equally and fairly and has the same rights as everyone else.


The type of money that is used in the UK.

Trade deals

Agreements between countries. They set the rules for things like buying and selling goods and services. These help to make trade easier.

UK Debt

The total amount of money that the UK has borrowed to fund things like public services.



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