Energy efficiency, zero emissions and low carbon heating systems, microgeneration and heat networks - skills requirements: consultation analysis

Independent analysis of responses to the consultation on Scottish skills requirements for energy efficiency, zero emissions and low carbon heating systems, microgeneration and heat networks for homes. This consultation ran from 5 February 2021 to 30 April 2021.

Appendix B: Questions Posed at Webinars

11 March 2021 Questions and Points Raised

  • Hi, how do retrofit coordinators sit relative to clerk of works? During which part of install projects will they attend site?
  • Are you committed to working with Community Groups or other local organisations currently supporting Home Energy improvements and energy efficiency?
  • What is proposed to ensure that the district heating skills requirements are met in Scotland given many of the specific skills required are separate to the initiatives for individual solutions John covered here? DH is flagged to have a significant contribution to our net-zero targets and there is a real danger the specific skills required for this market are forgotten about due to the focus only being on individual building-level solutions. This would result in significant opportunities being missed.
  • Will any funding be made available for specific Retrofit roles such as Coordinator and Assessor?
  • Is the intention for the Heat in Buildings Strategy to use the UK government endorsed TrustMark quality assurance framework to ensure compliance with these standards?
  • What policy and financial measures are planned to drive demand for net-zero skills?
  • We are due to transition by the latest end of June, however the consultation is not out until May and confirmed in September, is there any guidance on this?
  • Learning and training is being discussed in the context of going forward. PAS renewals are happening now. The smaller companies in the supply chain are generally unprepared, particularly in the rural areas. The installer skills requirements are required right now by PAS as the company renews its accreditation in readiness for June 30th, 2021. Thus, if you are working on HEEPS and have to lever ECO then this applies right now. Therefore, the time to transition has effectively gone and Scottish Government Schemes will be impacted immediately due to a lack of NVQ/SVQ qualified installers for insulation. Surely the timing for this has to be reviewed or the risk is the schemes will be seriously impacted?
  • How many retrofit co-ordinators currently are registered in Scotland? If there are currently few yet the funding via SG/ECO for many measures demands they be in place at the latest by June 30th, 2021 then will this logistically stack up as currently timetabled?
  • When looking at the key dates, is it correct to say then that the Scottish Consultation will be published some 2-3 months after the PAS2030:2019/2035 comes into force?
  • As an installer our PAS accreditation runs out on 31st May 2021. The Recognised Prior Learning route is currently not being considered by PAS accrediting bodies (e.g. BBA) and they are applying the qualification route for the pathways. Are they correct to do so? i.e. Does the Scottish working group recommendations for RPL currently hold any sway?
  • With much of the industry in Scotland servicing Scottish Government programmes which demand we lever ECO -are the panel not worried that the programmes are about to go off a cliff because the supply chain is not compliant with the SVQ2 standard requirements?
  • Without RPL being accepted by accrediting bodies the rural supply chain will really struggle.
  • Hello John, given that SQA are not going to be taking the majority of the new pathways in IBT at level 6 forward, will there be support available for colleges to take forward the SVQ qualifications from an alternative awarding body?

15 March 2021 Questions and Points Raised

  • When you talk about risk can you elaborate on what risk you are referring to?
  • What is the RICS qualification mentioned by Ian which will be required for a retrofit assessor working on risk level B and C projects in addition to the Level 3 SVQ? Did I mishear that?
  • Is biomass being considered, last week's webinar did not even though Scotland is a major producer of fuel (wood pellets).
  • Which college and what is the likely timescale please?
  • Where can students in the islands gain qualifications for external wall insulation funded by NTTF?
  • Who has the fund for what you are talking of and what is it?
  • With an ageing supply chain a real immediate barrier is the need for NVQ2/SVQ. Recognised Prior Learning is not being assessed by accreditation bodies for PAS. The ones we are in contact with simply are applying the qualifications as a minimum. How can this be addressed in a timescale to prevent the supply chain being lost?
  • The 3 to 1 mix of workforce vs carded operatives to satisfy PAS2030:2019, in a small 2-man island businesses doesn't help. The way to achieve the cards means significant time out and via colleges which are central belt located. Would the panel not agree that to professionalise the sector in this manner as stated needs more transition time or it will disengage as they won't be able to survive till those standards are achieved.
  • When will Highlands and Islands colleges be ready to offer courses? Each workstream needs its own NVQ2/Scottish equivalent. Our Island college is not yet offering such courses. Accreditation bodies for PAS are looking for the qualifications now at time of PAS renewal. Thus, will there not be some lengthy hiatus in delivery of programmes where the PAS standards are required
  • For most insulation measures our accreditation body for PAS is demanding NVQ2/Scottish equivalent for the workforce. The training courses are estimated at 150-300hrs to achieve these. In small businesses this is extremely difficult to engage with and survive. Can we not find a more efficient way for colleges to translate RPL into an accreditation?
  • Most insulation work for the Scottish Government requires us to lever ECO. The mandatory date for the PAS implementation is 30th June 2021. Thus renewals now are based on the current version of PAS -prior to any feedback from the Scottish Government consultation. What will be the process after the consultation response is published to change the PAS standards to accommodate the response recommendations.



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