
Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Act 2019: child interview rights practitioners – code of practice

This Code of Practice sets out the national standards of practice that apply to all Child Interview Rights Practitioners (ChIRPs), as implemented by the Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Act 2019 (Register of Child Interview Rights Practitioners) Regulations 2021.

Annex A - Child Interview Rights Practitioners – Fee Structure

Fixed appointment fee (£400)

1. This is a flat fee in respect of an appointment as a ChIRP and covers:

  • Reviewing available information (including the child’s interview plan).
  • Communications with police officers and social workers and other relevant parties such as the child’s supporter prior to, and following, the investigative interview.
  • Consultation with the child prior to, and following, the interview.
  • Preparing for the investigative interview.

Consider Interview Plan and liaise with police/social work - £110 fixed fee

2. If, upon receipt of the child’s interview plan, a ChIRP realises there is a conflict of interest and needs to withdraw, it is not appropriate to claim a fixed appointment fee. If a ChIRP subsequently becomes aware of a reason why they cannot continue they will be able to claim for the work carried out.

Attendance at the investigative interview (or court as necessary): £110.00-£220.00[5] (per daily attendance)

3. As the ChIRP must remain on-site and at any time may be requested by the child, this will be paid regardless of whether the ChIRP is with the child in the interview room or whether they are elsewhere in the building. If the ChIRP attends the interview but the child is not able to attend, the fee of £110.00 would be paid to the ChIRP for making themselves available to attend.

Travel Time

4. Travel time rates payable.

  • Anything under 4 hours – Fixed fee of £30
  • Anything between 4 – 6 hours (round trip) – Fixed fee of £65
  • Anything between 6 – 8 hours (round trip) – Fixed fee of £130
  • Over 8 hours (round trip) – Fixed fee of £150 per each day of travel

5. Travel should be calculated between the ChIRPs base/residence and the place visited. The shortest practicable route should be taken and the most effective form of transport must be considered.

Reimbursement of expenses and allowances

6. The general principle governing the claiming of expenses and allowances is that reimbursement is not appropriate unless additional expense is actually incurred in carrying out the role of a ChIRP and attending the investigative interview. When this occurs, all expenses and allowances including actual receipted costs and flat rate mileage payments are payable to ChIRPs. The rate reimbursed for expenses and allowances is as set out below.

7. Where there are items of expenses where it is not possible to obtain receipts (such as paying for parking by phone) then this should be claimed for with an explanation of why the receipt isn’t available. A cap of £10 is set on unavailable receipts.

Expense or Allowance Type Rate
Bed and Breakfast Up to £75.00. Receipt required
Car Hire Receipt required
Car Parking Receipt required
Staying with Friend £25.00 per 24 hours
Meals Allowance Maximum £23.50 per 24 hours and receipted
Motor Mileage Rate £0.45 per mile
Motor Cycle Allowance £0.24 per mile
Pedal Cycle Allowance £0.20 per mile
Passenger Supplement £0.05 per mile per passenger
Overnight by Train or Boat £24.10 per 24 hours
Public Transport Air Receipt/ticket required
Public Transport Bus Receipt/ticket required
Public Transport Rail Receipt/ticket required Standard class should be used
Public Transport Ferry Receipt/ticket required
Public Transport Taxi Receipt/ticket required
Public Transport Tube Receipt/ticket required
Toll Charges Receipt/ticket required
Personal incidental Expenses Allowance Up to £5.00 per day. Receipt required
Necessary and ancillary administrative expenses Receipt required
Miscellaneous Receipt required

Interpretation Fees

8. Should the services of an interpreter be required, this will be sourced and authorised by the Scottish Government.



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