Age assessment: practice guidance

This document provides practice guidance for social workers and their managers involved in undertaking age assessments in Scotland.

Appendix 1: SAMPLE Initial Presentation Decision Recording

Please note: in recording any information for the purposes of initial decision making, action must be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation and relevant human rights and data protection legislation

Name of young person:

Stated age:

Stated country of origin:



  • Young person's narrative and their reasoning for their stated age

Presenting information:


  • Appearance
  • Demeanour
  • Interaction during initial discussion
  • Information from other sources if applicable (eg. police if they are initial contact)

Decision(s) based on presenting information:


  • Does the young person appear significantly over the age of 18 years, possibly under the age of 18 years or possibly under the age of 16 years?
  • Are there any indications that the young person has been trafficked?
  • Is an age assessment required?
  • Has the decision regarding the need for an age assessment been communicated to the young person?

Further action required:


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