
Fishing quota - additional allocation from 2024: consultation - business and regulatory impact assessment

Business and regulatory impact assessment to assess the impacts associated with the allocation of additional quota.

17. Summary and Recommendation

Option 2, a Combination of A) Historic Track Record (revised) HTR, B) Equal share of in-year swaps, C) Special Allocations, and D) Application by vessels to access West of Scotland cod quota on environmental criteria is the recommended option.

This option is consistent with the fisheries objectives in the Fisheries Act 2020 and the policies in the JFS as we will be using criteria that are transparent and objective and include criteria relating to environmental, social and economic factors. Option 2 meets the criteria as with option 1 but is expected to exceed option 1 in meeting the environmental and social criteria.

Option Total benefit per annum: economic, environmental, social Total cost per annum: economic, environment, social, policy and administrative
1 (Do Minimum) Neutral. Neutral.
2 Amended HTR, Equal Share, Special Allocations and Applications for West of Scotland cod

Economic: Transfer of special allocation quota worth approximately £570,000 from sectoral to non-sector groups. Likely benefit of approximately £750,000 principally to sectoral vessels in accessing West of Scotland cod .

Social: Gain in revenue share in non-sector group likely to safeguard and in some cases increase employment. Rolling reference period will allow accumulation of a track record in return for leasing quota.

Environmental: Special Allocations to the non-sector where vessels fish by means associated with lower environmental impact. Ring-fencing West of Scotland cod for applications that use selective gear and techniques with a reduced impact on the environment should reduce seabed disturbance, bycatch and/or emissions.

Economic: Minor loss of revenue share among demersal and pelagic sectoral groups due to uplift in Special Allocations. Potential for in-year transferred quota to go unfished if not desired by recipient. Additional requirements to access West of Scotland cod may result in some quota going unused, or benefit shared among a small group of vessels.

Social: Reallocating unfished Special Allocations viewed by non-sector as disincentive to greater uptake of opportunities.

Environmental: No additional costs compared to do-minimum.

Administrative: The introduction and management of the West of Scotland cod application process is expected to cost £29,599.03 of staff time in the first year and a further £3,751.28 on average thereafter.



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