
2014 Consultation on the Management of Inshore Special Areas of Conservation and Marine Protected Areas Maps.

Maps relating to the proposed management options for inshore MPAs and SACs.

Protected Area C - Loch Laxford SAC

Figure C1: Loch Laxford SAC in context with other protected areas

Figure C1: Loch Laxford SAC in context with other protected areas

Figure C2: Loch Laxford SAC management approach 1

Figure C2: Loch Laxford SAC management approach 1

Figure C3: Loch Laxford SAC -VMS data 2010 - 2013

Figure C3: Loch Laxford SAC - VMS data 2010 - 2013

Figure C4: Loch Laxford SAC - SCOTMAP scallop dredge number of vessels

Figure C4: Loch Laxford SAC - SCOTMAP scallop dredge number of vessels


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