
Under current European Union (EU) regulations, the Scottish Government must carry out a number of inspections each year to confirm that conditions are being met in return for payments made under the various schemes we manage.

Inspections are carried out by staff in the Rural Payments and Inspectorates Division (RPID). During these inspections, we will check that:

  • the details given in declarations and claims for payments are correct
  • current legal and administrative rules are being met

Most of our inspections will be unannounced. In some cases we may give some notice, but usually not more than 48 hours.

More information about inspections is available on the Rural Payments website.

Cross compliance

Cross Compliance is a mandatory set of requirements and standards that land managers have to meet in order to receive support scheme payments.

More information about cross compliance is available on the Rural Payments website.

Information about Cross Compliance for 2005 to 2014 is available on the archive.


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