Apply now for student funding

Guarantee Date is approaching - Issued on behalf of the Student Awards Agency Scotland.

Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS) is encouraging students to submit their 2016-2017 applications for funding as early as possible. To ensure students have their funding in place for the start of their course, they must submit an accurate application, along with all the required supporting evidence by 30 June 2016 at the SAAS website.

SAAS has already processed 91% of the 47,190 applications received to date, for the 2016/2017 academic year, however there are still over 200,000 applications due to be submitted.

SAAS helpline 0300 555 0505 is open Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm and also from 12:00pm to 6:00pm on Saturday 28 May and Sunday 29 May, to support students through their application process.

SAAS provides assessment, funding and support to Scottish students in higher education. Funding packages include tuition fees, loans and bursaries. Students must remember to apply to SAAS each year of their studies.

Ann Gordon, Student Funding Unit, University of Dundee said "As close collaborators with SAAS over the years, the Student Funding Unit at the University of Dundee agree that getting organised now, will save any stress nearer the start of a student’s course. So apply for your funding before 30th June to ease the way into the new academic year"

Candy Munro, Acting Chief Executive of College Development Network (CDN) said: “Many young people will be looking forward to beginning their new college courses. It’s important they are aware of the 30 June Guarantee Date to apply for their SAAS funding. Applying early will ensure their tuition fees are paid on time and that they are able to commence their studies with the right support. SAAS provides lots of advice and CDN encourages students to make use of this and to apply in good time.”

Letitia Friary, Student and Academic Services. Edinburgh Napier University said “One of the most common reasons for students’ financial difficulties at the beginning of term is often because a student has not applied for funding on or before the 30th June. This is the date that you must apply to SAAS to have your funding in place at the start of your course. We recommend that students follow this advice to ensure that they start the new academic year on a firm financial footing.”

Visit now for more information and to complete applications.

Notes to editors

Information on all aspects of student support provided by SAAS can be found at:

The SLC website provides more information on student loans for Higher Education:


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