Scottish Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme: Implementation and Operation Group
The Implementation and Operation Group was established in September 2021 to provide advice and recommendations to Scottish Ministers on the delivery of the Scottish Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme. The objective of the Scheme is to improve children’s health and nutrition and to tackle health inequalities. The Group’s role is to ensure that the Scheme is meeting its objectives by:
- considering ways to maximise the opportunities to increase registration to the Scheme in order to maximise opportunities for improving child health, across different types of childcare settings in Scotland
- considering and assessing views and evidence, from an operational and delivery perspective at a national level, to ensure the Scheme is meeting policy objectives
- Chair, Scottish Government
- Secretariat, Scottish Government
- Representatives from COSLA
- One representative from Scotland Excel
- Two representatives from local authorities
- Two representatives from child care settings
- Three representatives from the dairy sector
- Two representatives from the National Farmers Union Scotland
- One representative from Public Health Scotland
- Scottish Government policy teams (Scottish Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme / Early Learning and Childcare)
Scottish Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme – Implementation and Operation Group: terms of reference
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