A Consultation on the proposal to establish a National Confidential Forum - Analysis of Consultation Responses

A summary of respondent views on the proposal to establish a National Confidential Forum.


1. 92% of respondents agreed (47 out of 51, with 2 respondents not providing a response and 2 not expressing a preference).

2. 80% of respondents agreed (41 out of 51, with 3 respondents not agreeing, 3 not expressing a preference and 4 not providing a response.

3. 88% of respondents agreed (45 out of 51, with 1 respondent disagreeing and 5 not providing a response).

4. 84% of respondents agreed (43 out of 51, with 1 disagreeing and 7 not providing a response).

5. 71% of respondents agreed (36 out of 51, with 5 disagreeing; 3 having no preference; and 7 not providing a response.)

6. 57% of respondents agreed (29 out of 51, with 6 disagreeing; 7 having no preference; and 9 not providing a response).

7. www.survivorscotland.org.uk

8. Historical Abuse Systemic Review: Residential Schools and Children's Homes in Scotland 1950 to 1995 Tom Shaw, (2007) Scottish Government. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2007/11/20104729/0

9. Historical Abuse Systemic Review, page 155.

10. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2011/03/07122331/0

11. At page 104.

12. A human rights framework for the design and implementation of the proposed 'Acknowledgement and Accountability Forum' and other remedies for historic child abuse in Scotland, SHRC, February 2010.

13. http://www.scottishhumanrights.com/news/latestnews/article/framework

14. http://www.survivorscotland.org.uk/time-to-be-heard/scottish-human-rights-commission/

15. http://www.scottishhumanrights.com/news/latestnews/article/interactionnews2012

16. http://www.niassembly.gov.uk/Assembly-Business/Legislation/Primary-Legislation-Current-Bills/Inquiry-into-Historical-Institutional-Abuse-Bill/Inquiry-into-Historical-Institutional-Abuse-Bill-as-Introduced-Explanatory-and-Financial-Memorandum/

17. 92% of respondents agreed (47 out of 51, with 2 respondents not providing a response and 2 not expressing a preference).

18. 1 March 2011, Proceedings of the Public Petitions Committee, paragraphs 3457-8.

19. http://www.survivorscotland.org.uk/time-to-be-heard/scottish-human-rights-commission/

20. 80% of respondents agreed (41 out of 51, with 3 respondents disagreeing; 3 expressing no preference; and 4 not providing a response).

21. 7 of the 51 respondents agreed with option (a), with 21 respondents disagreeing; 13 respondents expressing no preference and 10 not providing a response.

22. 20 out of the 51 respondents agreed with option (b), with 9 respondents disagreeing; 15 expressing no preference; and 7 not providing a response.

23. 88% of respondents agreed (45 out of 51, with 1 respondent disagreeing and 5 not providing a response).

24. 84% of respondents agreed (43 out of 51, with 1 disagreeing and 7 not providing a response).

25. "The Ideology of Residential Care and Fostering" first appeared on pp. 231-242 in Re-framing Children's Services, NCVCCO Annual Review Journal No. 3, 2002.

26. TTBH Report, page 71

27. TTBH Report, page 63

28. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2012/06/5914

29. 71% of respondents agreed (36 out of 51, with 5 disagreeing; 3 having no preference; and 7 not providing a response).

30. http://www.survivorscotland.org.uk/time-to-be-heard/scottish-human-rights-commission/

31. 57% of respondents agreed (29 out of 51, with 6 disagreeing; 7 having no preference; and 9 not providing a response).

32. 78% of respondents agreed (40 out of 51, with 2 disagreeing; and 9 not providing a response).

33. 14% of respondents (7 out of 51 respondents, with 22 answering no and 22 not providing a response).

34. 55% of respondents (28 out of 51 respondents, with no respondents answering no and 23 not providing a response.


Email: Julie Muir

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