
Third Sector Homelessness Fund

Details of organisations receiving support from the Third Sector Homelessness Fund.

The Third Sector Homelessness Fund is a three-year £4.5 million fund for third sector organisations delivering frontline homelessness services in Scotland.

The purpose of the Third Sector Homelessness Fund is to support third sector organisations to innovate and transform the services they provide to people in line with the Scottish Government’s updated Ending Homelessness Together Action Plan and local authorities’ Rapid Rehousing Transitions Plans.

The fund aims to:

  • Support the programme of systematic transformational change set out in the Ending Homelessness Together High-Level Action Plan.
  • Support third sector organisations as they adapt to the transition that local authorities are undertaking to a rapid rehousing model.
  • Build cross sector collaboration between third sector organisations, local authorities and other statutory services.
  • Trial different and innovative approaches to service delivery.
  • Ensure that programmes are well evaluated and that learning from successful approaches is shared amongst stakeholders in the homelessness sector.

This funding for 2020-23 was announced as part of the 2019 Programme for Government following a decision to close the Housing Voluntary Grant Scheme by March 2020. This scheme provides funding to third sector organisations to deliver housing related services and projects in Scotland.

However, due to the outbreak of Covid-19 and its impact on homelessness organisations and charities across Scotland, the then Cabinet Secretary and Minister for Housing agreed to postpone announcing funding decisions for year one of the Third Sector Homelessness Fund. The decision was taken to instead provide a funding extension to 2019 recipients of the Housing Voluntary Grant Scheme in 2020-21 and 2021-22, resourced through the Third Sector Homelessness Fund. Organisations that benefitted from this funding extension are:


Project Name


Homeless Action Scotland

Housing Options: Homelessness prevention, policy and practice


Homeless Network Scotland

Scottish Homelessness Involvement and Empowerment Network (SHIEN)


Legal Services Agency

Preventing Homelessness Project (In-Court Representation Project)


Positive Action in Housing

Multilingual Homelessness Advice and Information Service


Rock Trust, The

A Way Home


SAY Women

Accommodation Project and Resource Service


Scottish Churches Housing Action

Volunteering, Consultancy and Training Skills Programme


Scottish Refugee Council

Housing Integration Project


Scottish Woman’s Aid

Prevention of women and children's homelessness


Shelter Scotland

Scottish Housing Law Service


Total Housing Voluntary Grant Scheme for 2020-21



The Housing Voluntary Grant Scheme will close on 31 March 2022 and organisations are being supported to secure other sources of funding or establish exit plans.

Organisations that are in receipt of support from the Third Sector Homelessness Fund in 2021-22 and 2022-23 are:


Project Name


Aberdeen Cyrenians

Settled: Homes for All


Action for Children

Youth Housing First model


Calman Trust

Instant Housing Answers


Community Law Advice Network (Clan Childlaw Ltd)

CLAN Childlaw Scottish Care Leavers Housing Advice Service


Frontline Fife Homelessness Services

Beyond the School Gates


Govan Law Centre

Crisis Navigator Intervention Service for women and children experiencing domestic abuse and VAWG


Housing Options Scotland

Homeless Housing Options (HHO) for disabled and older people


Legal Services Agency

Preventing Homelessness Project


LinkLiving Ltd

Transform Through Transition project, providing mental health and independent living skills courses to PSL tenants


New Start Highland

Rapid Rehousing Furniture Service


Open Door Accommodation Project

Breaking the Cycle-Community Outreach Project



Counselling Support Project


Rowan Alba

R' House


SAY Women

Preventing and responding to homelessness among survivors of childhood sexual abuse


Scottish Refugee Council

Ending Homelessness for New Scots


SeAscape (South Ayrshire Escape from Homelessness Ltd)

 I'M IN! early intervention project


Shelter Scotland

PRS Homelessness Prevention in Dundee


Simon Community Scotland

Shared Living project in Edinburgh


Women's Aid East and Midlothian

Housing First for women subjected to domestic abuse


YMCA Glenrothes

Transition Digi-Support project


Total Third Sector Homelessness Fund for 2021-22




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