
Health: Supporting Women, Reducing Harm Short Life Working Group minutes - 01 August 2024

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 01 August 2024.

Attendees and apologies


  • Emma Cashmore-Gordon, Co-chair, Perinatal Services Manager, Aberlour
  • Karis Deacon, SG, Secretariat
  • Claudette Day, SG, official
  • Katy Macleod, Research and Peer Engagement Programme Manager, SDF
  • Marie-Claire Shankland, Programme Director, NHS Education for Scotland
  • Gavin Philipson, Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Network Scotland
  • Shelley Arthur, Health Visiting Team Leader, NHS Forth Valley
  • Joanne Smith, Policy and Public Affairs Manager, NSPCC Scotland
  • Susanna Galea-Singer, Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland
  • Roch Cantwell, SG, Perinatal and Infant Mental Health
  • Maree Aldam, CEO, Birth Companions
  • Marie Balment, Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Network Scotland


  • Harriet Waugh, SG, official
  • Kelsey Sclater, SG, official
  • Kirstie Campbell, SG, official
  • Carolyn Wilson, SG, official
  • Emily McLean, SG, official
  • Carolyn Wales, SG, official
  • Anne McFadyen, SG, Perinatal and Infant Mental Health
  • Iona Duckett, Co-chair, Senior Midwife, NHS Tayside
  • Hazel Inglis, Specialist Midwife for Drugs and Alcohol, NHS Highland
  • Helen Sheriff, Perinatal Services Manager, Amma Birth Companions
  • Sarah Zadik, Co-Founder & Head of Services, Amma Birth Companions
  • Lesley Sharkey, Director of Midwifery, NHS Tayside
  • Linda Thompson, Head of Services, Women’s Support Project
  • Rowan Anderson, Programme Lead, CORRA Foundation
  • Ruth Robin, Healthcare Improvement Scotland
  • Lynn Gillies, Service Manager, Children & Families, Social Work, Fife Council
  • Donatella Olisterno, Service Manager, Harper House
  • Jaki Lambert, Director for Scotland, Royal College of Midwifes
  • Jennifer Shields, Foetal Alcohol Advisory Support Training Team, Edinburgh
  • Kirsten Horsburgh, CEO, Scottish Drugs Forum
  • Hannah Boyle, Service Lead, Simon Scotland
  • Lyndsey Turfus, Substance Use Sub-Group Chair, Social Work Scotland

Items and actions

Welcome and updates

The Co-Chairs welcomed group members to the fifth meeting and thanked everyone for attending.

Lived and living experience update

The living and living experience (LLE) group convened for a second meeting, during which a brief but insightful discussion took place. They examined the guiding principles set out below, ensuring they are comprehensive and aligned with the group’s thoughts, experiences and knowledge:

  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​all services should work together to provide holistic, joined up support, considering the specific needs of women in rural areas
  • provide evidence-based support that is trauma informed with kindness and compassion
  • take a human-rights based approach, prioritising both the rights of women and children throughout the journey of care
  • involve support from and for partners/family/friends where appropriate
  • ensure continuity of care for women and their babies
  • take a pro-active approach to meet women where they are
  • involve lived and living experience in the design and delivery of services
  • take a harm-reduction approach to substance use
  • develop knowledge and skills in the workforce, particularly around sexual/reproductive health and violence
  • provide accurate and up-to-date information to support women’s choices
  • ensure that women know what their care and support should look like, and are involved in their care plans

​​​​​​​The floor was opened up to the SWRH group for feedback. Key points included:

  • revise principle one to use more inclusive language, encompassing the needs and barriers faced by women in both rural and urban areas
  • amend principle five to 'long-term' continuity of care to avoid ‘cliff edges’. Care should also be delivered by a team rather than one individual to ensure continuity
  • addressing stigma by incorporating “non-judgemental” into principle two
  • additionally, integrate the parental responsibilities of women to ensure comprehensive care and support, bolstering the recovery journey
  • both principles two and three demonstrates the critical need for services to foster supportive relationships with mothers and empower them through informed and compassionate interventions. 
  • this can ultimately aid infant protection, care, and development, which are of paramount importance
  • by employing evidence-based practices and trauma-informed care, services can better support mothers in fulfilling their parental responsibilities
  • include 'mental health' specialism (for both mother and infant) and 'substance use' within principle nine
  • include core harm-reduction training within principle eight

Good practice guide  

​​​​​​​Karis Deacon, Scottish Government, shared a draft outline of the Good Practice Guide. Its key elements include:

  • 11 guiding principles
  • scope of guide
  • language
  • journey through care
  • what is required of services? (case-coordination, service organisation, workforce training, involvement of LLE)
  • impact of substances/withdrawal
  • links to useful resources

​​​​​​​Following the presentation, an interactive Jamboard session was facilitated to gather views and suggestions on the following three questions: What do we want the guide to look and feel like? What key areas do we need to include? How do we make it more deliverable? ​​​​​​​Feedback included:

  • alternative and easy read formats, such as video and animation.
  • Implementable for boards, ensuring it is positive and possible to increase engagement
  • clear and concise language, logical flows and interactive elements
  • Engage social workers in the process to ensure that the guidance is contextualised and accurately reflects the realities of practice

Actions and close

  • ​​​​​​​members were encouraged to revisit the Jamboard and provide additional contributions to ensure a wide range of perspectives are considered
  • ​​​​​​​assemble the drafting group within the next two weeks
  • ​​​​​​​co-chairs thanked members for attending and for their valuable input and closed the meeting

Date of next meeting: 29 August 2024 11:00 – 12:00​​​​​​​

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