Secure Care Strategic Board minutes: October 2017

Minutes of the meeting of the Secure Care Strategic Board held on 6 October 2017.

Attendees and apologies

Board members in attendance

  • Angus Gillon - St Mary’s Kenmure
  • Ann Kivlin - Education Scotland
  • Beth-Anne Logan - Board member, CHS
  • Carole Richardson - Rossie Young People’s Trust
  • Donald Henderson - Scottish Government, Chair
  • Jacqueline Pepper - Social Work Scotland
  • Jane Johnstone - Office of the Chief Social Work Adviser, Scottish Government
  • Jim Gillespie - Kibble
  • Laura Beveridge - Independent Consultant
  • Laura Caven - COSLA
  • Neil Hunter - SCRA
  • Roisin McGoldrick - Good Shepherd Centre
  • Stephen McLeod - NHS, Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Deputies and others in attendance

  • Aileen Blower - NHS
  • Alison Gough - Secure Care National Advisor, CYCJ, Secretariat
  • Andrew Richmond - Scotland Excel
  • Andy Sloan - Care Inspectorate
  • David Cotterell - SG Secretariat
  • David Doris - SG Secretariat
  • Elliot Jackson - CHS
  • Karen Dyball - SWS
  • Liz Brabender - Lead Secretariat, Independent Care Review
  • Peter McCloskey - City of Edinburgh Council, ESS


  • Alex Little - NHS
  • Boyd McAdam - CHS
  • Jane O’Donnell - COSLA
  • Julie Welsh - Scotland Excel
  • Kate Rocks - SWS
  • Kevin Mitchell - Care Inspectorate
  • Sally Egan - NHS
  • Scot Dunbar - City of Edinburgh Council, ESS
  • Teresa Medhurst - Scottish Prison Service
  • Scott Dunbar - Edinburgh Secure Services

Items and actions

1. Welcome

Donald welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the Board, He acknowledged the complexity and importance of the work of the Board and the clear links and dependencies with other groups and particularly the Independent Care Review and the need for strong connectivity to avoid duplication of effort and/or missed opportunities.

Given the time frames and ambitious remit set out in the ToR, it seems likely that the majority of the board’s work will be carried out by working groups made up of board members and others from their and partner organisations. It is expected these groups will meet in between board meetings and report back to the board, and that the Board’s collective decision making would follow thereafter

Donald referred to discussion at the pre meeting of the Board on 5 September and reiterated his hope that Board meetings be a safe place to discuss issues frankly and fully. The Board will adopt the Chatham House rule. This means that discussion about what happens at the Board meetings can take place outwith the meeting, however comments should not be attributable to individuals or organisations. There is an important balance to be struck in enabling full and open discussion but also ensuring that the work of the Board is transparent and so the notes of the meeting will be action oriented.

2. Vision, core purpose and TOR

Alison confirmed that everyone had received the feedback from the pre meet briefing day for the Board on 5 September. Alison highlighted some of the Hopes, Anxieties and Assets that people at the briefing day had shared Laura and Beth reflected on these and lead the Board through this session exploring the vision and core purpose of the Board.

The Board members took part in powerful and interactive activities which focused on stepping into young people’s shoes and reflecting on the impact and experience of being in secure care. Board members were also asked to reflect on their personal and professional motivation and commitment.

The thought provoking presentations and activities encouraged Board members to take the opportunity of being a “different” kind of Board by truly focusing discussions and making decisions based on the needs and views and lived experience of young people.

The feedback on the day from both presentations was excellent and enabled in depth discussion about possible ‘commitments’ from members as to how collectively, and individually, the Board will approach its work.

Draft Commitments which had been drawn from the feedback on 5th September were circulated. Alison noted there were a number of “C” words in the feedback including Caring, Compassionate, Courageous, Challenging, Creative, Collective, and Considered; all of which could be brought together in a short set of Commitments to encourage the Board to remain care experience focused and mindful of how and why it is undertaking this work.

The Board was called on to be courageous and seize this fantastic opportunity to change the lives of some Scotland’s most vulnerable young people for the better.

Action point 1

The Board agreed we should have a short statement this should be something all the board members can agree on. David C will circulate a draft statement along with a note of the commitments discussed today. Board members should make amendments to the statement or agree with it. When the statement has been agreed it will be added to the ToR. Responses to be sent to David C by 23 October.

David C gave a short presentation highlighting recent trends and statistics. The information was gathered from the Children and Social Work Statistics, weekly information sent by the secure care providers, SPS and Scotland Excel.

David thanked Scotland Excel who has provided a few slides.

David pointed out that the information provided by Scotland Excel only includes information about placements made with the four secure care centres who are contracted via Scotland Excel, therefore this does not include information about placements at Edinburgh Secure Services and so called ‘cross border’ placements made at all 5 secure care centres.

David agreed to circulate the slides to the Board, as a useful starter for discussion on what further information may be required to inform work streams.

Action point 2

David C to circulate the slides and if required answer the board members’ questions on the content.

4. Secure Care in Scotland: Young Peoples Voices

Alison presented information from the report Secure Care in Scotland: Young Peoples Voices which was published today on the CYCJ website

This generated a good conversation around the table there was a commitment made that the calls for action within the report should closely inform the work of the Board and work stream/working groups.

5. Mapping out the work streams and timetable

Donald thanked the group for their input during the day and noted that the depth of discussion highlighted the significance and range of work the group has to get through in a relatively short period of time.

The Board were asked to agree to 4 working groups / work streams that should be implemented before the next board meeting in January 2017. These groups are just the starting point as further groups are likely and the work of properly ‘mapping across’ to existing national work streams has not yet been completed. However it is essential to get the work started as soon as possible.

Each board member should volunteer to actively participate and contribute to at least one of the Working Groups/work streams and they can if they wish nominate two individuals each from their organisation. That will give the secretariat some flexibility in ensuring each group has the required balance and experience in its membership.

The expectation is the working groups will meet or communicate before the next Board meeting on 16 January.

The 4 work streams are:

  • vision and purpose of Secure in Scotland
  • care standards and pathways
  • research
  • commissioning

Action point 3

Pass names and details of what working strand(s)/stream(s) you and colleagues wish to take part in to David C by Wednesday 18 October.

6. Date of Next Meeting

16 January 2018 venue to be agreed. Kate Rocks had previously offered to host a meeting be held in East Renfrewshire.

Action point 4

KR to contact David C by 30 October to confirm the venue.


Email: Youth Justice

Telephone: 0131 244 5443


Care and Justice Division
Scottish Government
Area 2-B North
Victoria Quay

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