
Scottish Government Rural Affairs and the Environment Research Strategy 2016 - 2021 Consultation Responses

Publication of the responses to the Scottish Government Rural Affairs and the Environment Research Strategy 2016 - 2021 Consultation

Responses from Organisations

0002 - Association of Deer Management Groups

0003 - The Directors of ClimateXChange – Scottish Centre of Expertise on Climate Change

0005 - Archaeology Scotland

0006 - Scotch Whisky Research Institute

0007 - Scottish Environment Protection Agency

0008 - British Society of Plant Breeders (BSPB)

0009 - Science and Technical Group, Scottish Biodiversity Strategy

0010 - Food Standards Agency

0011 - University of Aberdeen, Rowett Institute

0012 - Nourish Scotland

0014 - Farm Animal Welfare Committee

0015 - The James Hutton Institute

0016 - Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW)

0017 - NFU Scotland

0019 - Scottish Water

0020 - RSPB Scotland

0021 - Organic Growers Alliance

0022 - Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board

0023 - Interface-The knowledge connection for business

0024 - The Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust

0025 - University of Edinburgh

0026 - The Royal Society of Edinburgh

0027 - Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

0028 - Moredun Research Institute

0030 - Scottish Natural Heritage

0031 - Quality Meat Scotland (QMS)

0032 - Stirling Council

0033 - Scottish Organic Forum

0034 - Soil Association Scotland

0035 - Forestry Commission Scotland

0036 - SRUC, Scotland’s Rural College

0038 - Crichton Carbon Centre

0039 - Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)

0040 - College of Medical Veterinary and Lifesciences

0041 - Research Council UK (RCUK)

0042 - Scotch Whisky Association

Responses from Individuals

0001 - Professor Mark Woolhouse

0013 - Prof Jim Scudamore

0029 - Dr Graham Jellis

0037 - Dr Dominic Mellor

Responses from those who wish to remain anonymous

0018 - Respondent


Email: Scott Boyd

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