Housing: Regional Networks autumn newsletter

The autumn 2022 newsletter of the Regional Networks of tenants and residents.

Annual General Meetings 2022

During May and June, each Region held their virtual Annual General Meeting, the second year we have held our AGMs online.
The Chairs of each Regional Network reported on the work of the committees since the previous AGMs in 2021, highlighting a range
of achievements. This year the Regional Networks have:

  • Completed a number of Scottish Government consultations, offering a tenant and resident viewpoint on key areas of national policy importance, including the New Deal for Tenants, the Scottish Social Housing Charter, energy efficiency, Heat in Buildings and homelessness.
  • Met twice with the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing & Local Government, Shona Robison MSP, and Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants' Rights, Patrick Harvie MSP, to discuss matters of interest to social housing tenants and residents.
  • Fed in our views and suggestions through short-term working groups on areas of key interest to tenants, including rent setting, affordability and use of local authority Housing Revenue Accounts.
  • Contributed to a range of working groups including the Scottish Housing Regulator Liaison Group, the Rent Focus Group and the Housing to 2040 sub group. Contributed to the ZEST (Zero Emissions in Social Housing Taskforce) working group.
  • Led a workshop at the recent TPAS conference in Clydebank on the role of the Networks and how we work;
  • Completed a review of our Communications Strategy and updated our website.

We are pleased to have been able to maintain our regular schedule of committee and working group meetings on a virtual basis, despite the ongoing challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, and have maintained the same positive working relationships and links with Scottish Government Ministers
and officials through the year.


Email: TPAdminsupport@gov.scot

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