Public appointment: Convener and Member appointed to Risk Management Authority Board

Public appointments news release

The Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs today announced the appointment of Geraldine O’Hare as Convener and James Maybee as a Member of the Risk Management Authority Board.


Dr Geraldine O’Hare is a Consultant Forensic Psychologist and former Director of Rehabilitation and Head of Psychological Services with the Probation Board for N. Ireland where she worked for 28 years. Following a Churchill Fellowship to the USA, Geraldine was instrumental in introducing problem solving justice initiatives to N. Ireland and led on the introduction of the first Problem Solving Courts in N. Ireland. Geraldine was awarded the British Psychological Society’s Presidential Award for Innovation and Practice for her work in Criminal Justice and Rehabilitation, and she holds roles within the justice and health sectors both nationally and internationally. Geraldine is an accomplished leader who brings a wealth of knowledge, experience and commitment to the Risk Management Authority Scotland.


James Maybee holds a Certificate of Qualification in Social Work and a Masters degree in Social Sciences. He has an extensive career as a probation officer, justice social worker and in senior management, most recently with responsibility for justice services in Highland Council. He chaired Social Work Scotland’s justice standing committee for 3 years until leaving Highland in January 2022 and joining SWS as their justice policy and practice lead. He was appointed to the Parole Board for Scotland as a General Member in January 2023 and is also a Social Services Fitness to Practice Member of the Scottish Social Services Council. 


These appointments will be for 4 years and will run from 21 April 2023 to 20 April 2027.

These appointments are regulated by the Ethical Standards Commissioner.


Geraldine O’Hare’s appointment is part-time and attracts a remuneration of £8,032  for a time commitment of 25 days per year.

James Maybee’s appointment is part-time and attracts a remuneration of £3,344.40 for a time commitment of 15 days per year.

Other ministerial appointments

Geraldine O’Hare is President of the Pharmaceutical Society for Northern Ireland, for which she receives remuneration of £355 per day, for a time commitment of one day per week.

James Maybee is a Member of the Parole Board for Scotland, for which he receives remuneration of £222.92 per day, for a time commitment of eight to ten days per month.

Political activity

All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process.  However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity within the last five years (if there is any to be declared) to be made public.   

Geraldine O’Hare and James Maybee have had no political activity within the last five years.


Risk Management Authority works to reduce the risk of serious harm posed by violent and sexual offending. To protect the public, they make sure that effective risk assessment and risk management practices are in place.

Risk Management Authority advocates for a shared approach to risk that is evidence-based, defensible and proportionate. Effective risk assessment and management can reduce the risk of serious harm to the public, and give individuals the best chance of returning to the #community and leading crimefree lives.

Their work includes:

  • Providing advice and recommendations to Scottish Ministers
  • The development of research to promote effective practice
  • Setting standards and publishing guidelines for risk assessment and management
  • Statutory responsibilities in relation to the Order for Lifelong Restriction (OLR) sentence
  • Responding to needs to provide advice and training to the justice sector
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