
Planning, Infrastructure and Place Advisory Group: Minutes 8 February 2024

Minutes of the Planning, Infrastructure and Place Advisory Group 8 February 2024

Attendees and apologies

Joint chairs

  • Fiona Simpson, Scottish Government
  • Tony Rose, Scottish Futures Trust

Core group

  • Richard Ballantyne, British Ports
  • Susan Campbell, Scottish National Investment Bank
  • David Cowan, Scottish Government
  • Daniel Hinze, Scottish Government
  • Pam Ewen, Heads of Planning Scotland
  • John Hamilton, Winchburgh Developments
  • Martin McKay, Clyde Gateway
  • Pauline Smith, Development Trust Association Scotland
  • John Trower, Optiminity
  • Soren Jensen, Infrastructure Transparency
  • Hamish Trench, Scottish Land Commission
  • Aisla Raeburn, Community Land Scotland
  • Scott Mathieson, Scottish Power Energy Networks
  • Rachel Skinner, WSP
  • Diarmaid Lawlor, Scottish Futures Trust (Guest speaker)
  • Ailsa Campbell, Crieff Community Trust (Guest speaker)
  • Christine Webster, Aberdeenshire Council (Guest speaker)
  • Gareth Hislop, Scottish Power Energy Networks (Guest speaker)


  • Lorna Aird, Scottish Government
  • Jasmine Hood, Scottish Government
  • Lynne Ward, Scottish Futures Trust
  • Katie Ferrie, Scottish Futures Trust
  • Greg Walker, Scottish Government


  • Jane Wood, Homes for Scotland
  • Iain Docherty, Stirling University
  • Francesca Osowska, Nature Scot
  • Kat White, Scottish Government
  • Suzanne Stephen, Scottish Government (Support)

Items and actions

Introduction and apologies

Fiona Simpson (FS) welcomed everyone to the fourth meeting of PIPAG and provided a high-level overview of the PIPAG activity so far as well as the agenda and objectives of the meeting.

Minutes and actions of previous meeting

Minutes and actions of the previous meeting were raised and discussed. There were no comments, amendments or additional points on the minutes. Two key areas of activity and follow-up actions were highlighted and discussed.

Brief Winchburgh update

The refined and finalised Winchburgh infrastructure template was shared in advance of this meeting and the group were asked to provide feedback on the updated version. A short discussion followed and it was recognised that the updated template was clear and well-structured with a constructive summary of the multifaceted challenges and corresponding worked solutions. It was also acknowledged that the template could benefit from incorporating visualisations and that there was opportunity to initiate the process of developing emerging synergies across case studies as they are covered.

Additionally, as requested at the previous meeting, a membership and principles paper for the Winchburgh Short-Life Working Group (SLWG) had now been established. These principles will also form the basis for any further SLWGs. The Winchburgh SLWG has been setup to primarily focus on delivery models and financing, in addition to also identifying key focus areas and lessons that could be deemed replicable across other infrastructure projects. The SLWG is represented by four core PIPAG members and will be chaired by TR with resource from the wider PIPAG secretariat being made available to support with on-going SLWG activities. The group were reminded that the Winchburgh SLWG principles and set-up for group management paper was shared within the current meeting pack, with any final comments and recommendations being welcome from members.

PIPAG 2024 work programme

The group welcomed the development of the PIPAG 2024 work programme and noted that it aligned well with the purpose and direction of the group and also provided clarity of activities and actions. A short discussion followed around the need for the work programme to maintain a level of flexibility to ensure that responding to any immediate challenges that arise could be reasonably accommodated.

The actions of the previous meeting discussed concluded with FS reminding the group that the Local Development Plans and Infrastructure presentation and the recent Chief Planner letter had been circulated since the last meeting.


  • all members invited to provide further comment and recommendations for the SLWG principles paper

Sector based discussion - Net Zero energy teach in

Overview from Scott Mathieson and Gareth Hislop, Scottish Power Energy Network (SPEN)

Tony Rose provided introductions to the Net Zero energy infrastructure strategic challenges and solutions overview being delivered by SPEN. The group were prompted to consider the role of PIPAG and what specifically the group can do to support solutions.

Scott Mathieson and Gareth Hislop delivered a teach-in session highlighting SPEN’s work on net zero energy infrastructure development and implementation. They outlined the key sectoral challenges and the corresponding processes SPEN is utilising and implementing for the move to net zero. The teach-in session covered a breadth of topics, including: both the transmissions and distribution connection challenges and the unprecedented rise in applications for network connection, the corresponding industry response to the on-going network connection challenges, understanding future network requirements for the efficient planning and operation of the network, revolutionising the network modelling capability to optimise investment decisions, the move from the ‘old needs’ to the ‘new normal’ in decarbonising homes and the proactive interventions and future-proofing of ‘looped services’

An engaged group discussion followed around: the details of the types of increasing network applications; the process for managing applications; the Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES); the interaction with Local heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (LHEES) delivery plans; the scale of change at different spatial levels; the potential increase in the case for joined-up neighbourhood retrofitting infrastructure; the political grasp and understanding of the complexity of the connections challenge; the current data mapping and integration challenges and the importance of use of data for planning of the future network needs; and the emphasis on how local planning decisions need to be better linked with the national need for better infrastructure, through the National Planning Framework and wider planning system.

The group were thanked for the useful discussion and were invited to provide feedback on what learnings from the Net Zero energy infrastructure teach-in would merit further exploration in establishing the focus for the next SLWG. A separate case study template will be drafted for agreement, with further detail on the teach-in content.


  • Secretariat to develop draft Place/Sector Infrastructure Template paper, incorporating learnings from SPEN Net Zero energy infrastructure challenges teach-in as appropriate, and recirculate for next meeting.
  • All members to provide reflections and feedback on what learnings from the Net Zero energy infrastructure teachin would merit further exploration in establishing the focus for the next SLWG.
  • Secretariat to circulate the SPEN Net Zero energy infrastructure challenges slide-deck

Place based review

Place based examples of town centre regeneration

Presentations: Diarmaid Lawlor, Scottish Futures Trust, Scottish Borders (Selkirk) Christine Webster, Aberdeenshire Council, Fraserburgh Aisla Campbell, Crieff Community Trust, Crieff

David Cowan introduced the place based town centre regeneration session with a presentation highlighting and summarising the supporting town centre policy context; and introduced the guest speakers.

A constructive discussion followed with a number of place based considerations raised, including: the requirement for participation across different levels of governance; the importance of communication; models of collaboration and collaborative leadership to tackle complex organisation structures and siloes; pipeline projects and the opportunity for investable propositions; a concerted focus on Place Based Investment Programme to support net zero infrastructure; the need for multidimensional planning through consideration of social, economic and physical capital together with reinforcement of feedback loops to create success; community empowerment through community ownership models; the balance of town centre regeneration and out of town development; and addressing market failure through innovation and diversification of financing and appraisal.

FS thanked the group for their valuable insights and reflected on the key takeaways of the session with the overarching message being striking a cohesive balance between planning, infrastructure and place. It was agreed that the learning points from the town centre regeneration session and the group’s corresponding insights would be reflected upon accordingly and used to compile options and action-oriented activities for a potential town centre regeneration SLWG. A summary of reflections and subsequent activities from the place based town centre regeneration session will be shared with the group for the next PIPAG meeting.

A separate case study template will be drafted for agreement, with further detail on the teach-in content.


  • all members to provide further reflections and feedback on what learnings from the place based town centre regeneration case study session would merit further exploration in establishing the focus for the next SLWG
  • secretariat to develop draft Place/Sector Infrastructure Template paper, incorporating learnings from the place based examples of town centre regeneration presentations and discussions as appropriate, and recirculate for next meeting
  • secretariat to circulate the three place based town centre regeneration case study presentations

Any other business and close

FS closed the meeting with thanks to all guest speakers and attendees and the valuable contributions provided.

It was noted that the next and fifth meeting of PIPAG will take place on Thursday 16th May and it will focus on exploring the supporting infrastructure needed to enable the major development required for Net Zero in a rural context. There is currently no confirmed plans for an additional dedicated teach-in session but options will be considered through group reflections and feedback from the session today.

Timings, agenda and location will be confirmed for the next meeting in due course.


  • secretariat to confirm timings, location and agenda for the next PIPAG meeting scheduled for Thursday 16 May 2024


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