Planning and environmental appeals: guidance for reporters

Guidance notes for planning and environmental appeals reporters.

The attached guidance notes cover:

  1. Sists
  2. Listed buildings, removal from list
  3. Receipt of 2013 regs case file
  4. Time limits on planning permission (full)
  5. Time limits on planning permissions (in principle)
  6. Written submission appeals:  No further procedure and Site Inspections
  7. Withdrawn
  8. Further procedure
  9. No variation of application
  10. Reporters' decisions, house style
  11. Applying timescales for appeal submissions
  12. Development Plan Examinations - role of lead reporter
  13. Development Plan Examinations - role of non-lead reporter
  14. Planning obligation appeals
  15. Good neighbour agreement appeals
  16. New matters and the submission of documents, materials or evidence
  17. Requests to record or film proceedings
  18. Appeals Regulations 2013
  19. High Hedge Notice Appeals
  20. Reasonable Adjustment
  21. Screening, EIA Regulations 2017
  22. Use of section 48(8) to address undue delay in a planning appeal
  23. Managing an efficient inquiry process
  24. Provision of material evidence and conduct of parties in proceedings before DPEA Reporters
  25. Selecting in-person, virtual or hybrid procedure for pre-examination meetings, hearings and inquiries
  26. Evidence Report and Gate-Check
  27. Variations in the description of an application
  28. Jurisdiction on validity
Note 1 - Sists.pdf
Note 2 - Listed buildings - removal from list.pdf
Note 3 - Receipt of 2013 regs case file.pdf
Note 4 - Time limits on planning permission (full).pdf
Note 6 - Written submission appeals.pdf
Note 8 - Further procedure.pdf
Note 9 - No variation of application.pdf
Note 10 - Reporters' decisions, house style.pdf
Note 11 - Applying timescales for appeal submissions.pdf
Note 14 - Planning obligation appeals.pdf
Note 15 - Good neighbour agreement appeals.pdf
Note 17 - Requests to record or film proceedings.pdf
Note 18 - Appeals Regulations 2013.pdf
Note 19 - High Hedge Notice Appeals
Note 20 - Reasonable Adjustment
Note 21 - Screening, EIA Regulations 2017
Note 23 - Managing an efficient inquiry process
Note 26 - Evidence Report and Gate-Check
Note 27 - Variations in the description of an application
note 28 - Jurisdiction on validity


If you take part in the appeals process, use DPEA websites, contact the division or attend a webcast, the DPEA may collect certain information about you. To find out more about what information is collected, how the information is used and managed please read the DPEA's privacy notice


Twitter: @DPEAScotland

Telephone: 0300 244 6668

Planning and Environmental Appeals Division
Hadrian House
Callendar Business Park

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