
Performance markers for planning authorities: list

The set of performance markers used by planning authorities and key agencies for reporting purposes.

  1. Decision-making: continuous reduction of average timescales for all development categories [Q1 - Q4].
  2. Processing agreements: offer to all prospective applicants for major development planning applications and availability publicised on website.
  3. Early collaboration with applicants and consultees, availability and promotion of pre-application discussions for all prospective applications and clear and proportionate requests for supporting information.
  4. Legal agreements: conclude (or reconsider) applications after resolving to grant permission and reducing number of live applications more than 6 months after resolution to grant (from last reporting period).
  5. Enforcement charter updated / re-published within last 2 years.
  6. Continuous improvement: progress/improvement in relation to PPF National Headline Indicators and progress ambitious and relevant service improvement commitments identified through PPF report.
  7. Local development plan less than 5 years since adoption.
  8. Development plan scheme, next LDP on course for adoption within 5 years of current plan(s) adoption and project planned and expected to be delivered to planned timescale.
  9. Elected members engaged early (pre-MIR) in development plan preparation, if plan has been at pre-MIR stage during reporting year.
  10. Cross sector stakeholders engaged early (pre-MIR) in development plan preparation, if plan has been at pre-MIR stage during reporting year (including industry, agencies and Scottish Government).
  11. Regular and proportionate policy advice produced on information required to support applications and expected developer contributions.
  12. Corporate working across services to improve outputs and services for customer benefit (for example, protocols, joined-up services, single contact arrangements, joint pre-application advice).
  13. Sharing good practice, skills and knowledge between authorities.
  14. Stalled sites / legacy cases: conclusion or withdrawal of old planning applications and reducing number of live applications more than one year old.
  15. Developer contributions: clear and proportionate expectations set out in development plan (and/or emerging plan) and in pre-application discussions.
Performance markers for planning authorities.pdf



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Area 2-H (South)
Planning and Architecture Division
The Scottish Government
Victoria Quay

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