Online Identity Assurance National Stakeholder Group: remit, terms of reference

Online Identity Assurance National Stakeholder Group: remit and terms of reference.


To inform the design, direction and prioritisation of the Scottish Government's Online Identity Assurance Programme of work, as set out in the overall Programme Plan, which sets out the actions to deliver the Scottish Government Digital Strategy commitment to work with stakeholders, privacy interests and members of the public to develop a robust, secure and trustworthy mechanism by which an individual member of the public can demonstrate their identity online (to access public sector digital services).

Roles and responsibilities

To inform the overall work to identify the potential options and develop the solution or solutions for a common approach to Online Identity Assurance.

To advise the Programme Board on the content and direction of the programme, from a national stakeholder perspective.

To represent a broad range of sectors and interests, which would potentially be impacted by the programme or be part of its delivery, including citizen interests, privacy groups, service providers, academic and professional interest groups.

To inform the planning and delivery of the overall programme, including the Discovery project, forward plans for the Alpha and Beta phases, and plans for longer term implementation.

To highlight connected issues and wider impacts; including identifying where there are links across the landscape and direction for digital public service delivery and a need for alignment to the national policy and legislative framework.


The expectation is that this work will be conducted in the spirit and practice of open government.

As part of this process, agendas, meeting papers and documentation will be proactively published.

The aim is to make the work of the Group as open as possible. Meetings will be publically advertised, with the intention that those who wish to can have the opportunity to register to attend and participate.
The Group will aim to meet quarterly, although may amend its schedule of meetings to fit the needs of the programme.

Members may nominate an alternate or delegate to attend those meetings which they are unable to attend.

The Group will be supported by the Scottish Government Online Identity Assurance Team.

The remit was agreed by the National Stakeholder Group in February 2018.

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