Official statistics: forthcoming publications
- Last updated
- 14 February 2025 - see all updates
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- Public sector
A twelve-month calendar of Scottish Government statistical releases in spreadsheet format. The calendar includes Official and National Statistics publications, as well as Management Information publications.
Next update: 21 February 2025
We provide a 12-month calendar of our statistical releases in spreadsheet format. This includes Official and National Statistics publications, and Management Information publications.
The month of the publication is provided at least twelve months before the publication. An exact date and publication time is provided at least 4 weeks before final publication. This is in line with the requirements of the Code of Practice for Statistics.
The timetable also includes releases for other official statistics producers in Scotland, such as Public Health Scotland, NHS Information Services Division and National Records of Scotland.
Please note that following a review by the Office for Statistics Regulation, some changes have been made to the designations of statistics. “National Statistics” will now be referred to as “Accredited Official Statistics”, and “Experimental Statistics” will now be referred to as “Official Statistics in Development”.
- File type
- 16 page Excel document
- File size
- 71.9 kB
- First published
- 14 February 2025
- Last updated
- 14 February 2025 - show all updates
- All updates
Routine Weekly Update
Routine Weekly Update
Routine monthly update
Routine Weekly Update
Update to reflect the addition of "Local Government Funding Allocation, The Funding of Local Government in Scotland, 2025-26" Publication
Routine Weekly Update
Update to reflect the delay of the "Homelessness Statistics, Homelessness in Scotland: update to 30 September 2024" Publication
Update to reflect the addition of "Anholt-Ipsos Nation Brands Index Report for Scotland, Anholt Nation Brands Index Report for Scotland - 2024" Publication
Routine Weekly Update
Routine monthly update
Routine Weekly Update
Update to reflect the delay of the "Scottish Landlord Register Data, November 2024" Publication
Routine Weekly Update
Routine Weekly Update
Routine Weekly Update
Routine monthly update
Routine Weekly Update
Update to reflect the addition of "Scottish Household Survey: Trust in Institutions, 2023" Publication
Routine Weekly Update
Update to reflect the addition of "Public bodies' corporate function data, Aggregate data, data as at financial year 2022/23" and "Public bodies' corporate function data, Microdata, data as at financial year 2022/23" Publications.
Update to reflect the addition of "Scotland's Census 2022 Topic Releases, data on people reporting a learning disability, learning difficulty and developmental disorder" and "Scotland's Census 2022 Topic Releases, multivariate outputs, release 1" Publications
Routine Weekly update
Routine weekly update
Routine monthly update
Update to reflect the delay of the "Planning Applications Statistics, Planning Application Statistics (formerly Planning Performance Statistics), 2023-24, Annual and Quarterly (October to March)", Publication
Routine weekly update
Update to reflect the addition of the "Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, 2024" publication
Routine weekly update and to reflect the delay to "Small Area Population Estimates, Mid 2022" Publication
Routine weekly update
Routine weekly update
Updates to reflect the addition of the "Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Learning Provision in Scotland: review of current provision and recommendations on the way forward, Release 20241008" Publication
Routine monthly update
Routine weekly update
Updates to reflect the delays of the "Planning Applications Statistics, Planning Application Statistics (formerly Planning Performance Statistics), 2023-24, Annual and Quarterly (October to March)" and the Report on Widening Access, 2022-23 Publications
Routine Weekly Update
Routine Weekly Update
Weekly update
Routine monthly update
Updates to reflect the delay of the "Planning Applications Statistics, Planning Application Statistics (formerly Planning Performance Statistics), 2023-24, Annual and Quarterly (October to March)" Publication
Routine Weekly Update
Routine Weekly Update
Updates to reflect the delay of the "Report on Widening Access, 2022-23" Publication
Routine Weekly Update
Updates to reflect the delay of the "Planning Applications Statistics, Planning Application Statistics (formerly Planning Performance Statistics), 2023-24, Annual and Quarterly (October to March)" Publication
Updated to reflect the delay of the "Social Security Scotland Telephony and Webchat Management Information, Management Information to 31 March 2024" publication.
Updated to include entry for the "Inflation Adjusted HMRC Regional Trade Statistics for Scotland Q1 2024" publication.
Routine Weekly Update
Routine monthly update
Routine weekly update
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine monthly update
Updated to reflect the delay of the "Natural Capital Asset Index, 2024" publication.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to include entry for the "Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, Scottish Social Attitudes Survey Core Module 2023" publication.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine monthly update
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update
Routine weekly update
Updated to reflect the delay of the "National survey of health and frontline social care workers on Winter 2023 vaccination programme, Release 20240528" publication.
Routine monthly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to include entry for the "National quarterly report of tuberculosis in Scotland: quarter 1, 2024, provisional data, Release 20240402" publication.
Ad hoc update
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to include entry for the "Scottish Surveys Core Questions, SSCQ 2022 - UPDATE" publication.
Routine monthly update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to include finalised publication date for the "Domestic Abuse Recorded by the Police in Scotland, 2022-23" publication.
Routine weekly update.
Routine monthly update.
Routine weekly update
Routine weekly update
Correction - incorrect date on Transport and Travel in Scotland, 2022 publication
Routine weekly update
Routine weekly update.
Updated to include entry for the "Local Government Funding Allocation, The Funding of Local Government in Scotland 2024-25" publication, and to reflect the finalised date for the "Non-domestic rates revaluation appeals statistics - Scotland, 2023-24 Quarter 3" publication.
Routine monthly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect the finalised publication date for the "Non-domestic Rate Relief Statistics, Scotland, 2023" publication.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect the change in title for the "Restricting promotions of food and drink high in fat, sugar or salt ? evidence to support proposed regulation details and impact assessments for consultation in Autumn 2023. Evidence briefing 1: The who shops where evidence review, Release 20240130" and "Restricting promotions of food and drink high in fat, sugar or salt - evidence to support proposed regulation details and impact assessments for consultation in Autumn 2023. Evidence briefing 2: The meal deals evidence review, Release 20240130" publications
Routine weekly update.
Routine monthly update.
Updated to reflect the delay of the "Homelessness Statistics, Homelessness in Scotland: update to 30 September 2023" publication.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect the changes to the "Energy Trends - Q3 2023 data" publication, and including an entry for the "Energy Trends - Q3 2023 Data - part 2" publication.
Routine monthly update.
Updated to reflect the updated publication date for the "Scottish Surveys Core Questions, 2022" publication.
Updated to include entry for the "Scotland's Labour Market Overview: December 2023" publication.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update
Updated to reflect the delay of the "Alcohol Related Hospital Statistics, Autumn 2023" publication.
Routine weekly update
Updated to reflect updated title and synopsis for the "Insights in Social Care Statistics Scotland, Care home services funded by local authorities in Scotland 2022/2023" publication.
Updated to include entry for the "Pneumococcal and Shingles Vaccination Data, Pneumococcal and Shingles Vaccination Data" publication.
Routine weekly update, and update to the wording on the page.
Updated to include finalised publication date for the "College Leaver Destinations, College Leaver Destinations 2021-22" publication
Routine monthly update.
Updated to include entry for the "Carers Census, Scotland, 2022-23" publication.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect the cancellation of the "Labour Market Trends, Labour Market Trends: October 2023" publication.
Routine weekly update
Update to include revised release date for Labour Market Trends: October 2023
Routine weekly update
Updated to include entry for the "National Transition Training Fund (NTTF), Year 2" publication.
Updated to reflect the delay of the "Prescribing Statistics - Monthly Prescribing Activity Data, 2023 10 October Release" publication
Routine weekly update
Routine monthly update
Updated to reflect the delay of the "Marine Economic Statistics, Scotland's Marine Economic Statistics 2021", and the "Scottish Health Survey: Annual Report, 2022" publications
Updated to include entry for the "Criminal Proceedings in Scotland, 2021-2022" publication.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update
Routine weekly update
Updated to reflect the finalised date for the "Recorded Crime in Scotland - Quarterly update , Year ending June 2023" publication
Routine weekly update
Routine monthly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect the delay of the "Recorded Crime in Scotland - Quarterly update , Year ending June 2023" publication.
Routine weekly update
Updated to include entries for the "Review of smoking cessation services in Scotland: Advisory Group Report", and "Scottish Pregnancy, Births and Neonatal Dashboard" publications.
Updated to include finalised publication date for the "Housing Statistics for Scotland quarterly update, Housing Statistics for Scotland Quarterly Update - September 2023" publication.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect the publication of the "Rodenticides on Farms growing Fodder Crops, Rodenticides on Grassland and Fodder 2021" publication.
Routine monthly update
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect the delay of the "Out of Hours Primary Care Services in Scotland, Out of Hours Primary Care Services in Scotland" publication.
Updated to reflect the delay of the "Prescribing Statistics - Monthly Prescribing Activity Data, 2023 08 August Release" publication.
Routine weekly update
Routine weekly update
Updated to reflect the delay of the " Education Outcomes for Looked After Children” publication
Routine weekly update
Routine monthly update
Updated to reflect the delay of the "Report on Widening Access, Report on Widening Access 2021-22" publication.
Routine weekly update
Routine weekly update
Routine weekly update
Routine weekly update
Updated to reflect the correct publication date for the "Scottish Government Workforce Information, Quarter 1 2023" publication.
Routine monthly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect the delay of the "Farm Business Survey: Farm level emissions and nitrogen usage, Farm Business Survey 2021-22: Farm level emissions and nitrogen usage" publication.
Updated to reflect the delay of the "Evaluating the impact of Minimum Unit Pricing for alcohol in Scotland: final report, Evaluating the impact of Minimum Unit Pricing for alcohol in Scotland: final report" publication
Updated to correct the dates in the synopsis for the "Homelessness Statistics, Homelessness in Scotland: update to 30 September 2023" publication.
Routine weekly update
Updated to include entry for the "Addendum (2023) to ‘Evaluating the impact of Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) of alcohol in Scotland on cross-border purchasing (March 2022), " publication.
Routine weekly update.
Routine monthly update.
Updated in include entry for the "Quarterly Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) patient estimates, Quarterly Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) patient estimates" publication.
Routine weekly update, with wording on the site updated.
Routine weekly update, with wording on the site updated.
Updated to include entry for the "Scottish Household Survey: Key findings, 2021" publication.
Updated to include entry for the "Monitoring ethnic health inequalities in Scotland: Data and Evidence " publication.
Routine monthly update.
Updated to reflect the updated title for the "Analytics and intelligence for people who access a NHS Sexual Assault Response Coordination Service (SARCS) following a recent rape, sexual assault or child sexual abuse" publication
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect the delay of the "Primary Care: In-hours General Practice activity visualisation, Release 20230328", and "Prescribing Statistics - Monthly Prescribing Activity Data, 2023 April Release" publications
Routine weekly update
Updated to include entry for the "Cancer Waiting Times, Cancer Waiting Times - April 2023" publication.
Updated to reflect the time of publication of the "Scottish Ambulance Service Unscheduled Care Operational Statistics, Release 20230315" publication.
Updated to reflect the delay in publishing the "Scottish Ambulance Service Unscheduled Care Operational Statistics, Release 20230315" publication.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect the correct publication date for the "Births, deaths and other vital events, fourth quarter 2022" publication.
Updated to reflect the delay of the "Prescribing Statistics - Community Pharmacy Contractor Activity open data, March 2023 Release", "Prescribing Statistics - Monthly Prescribing Activity Data, 2023 March Release", and "Prescribing Statistics - Prescribing practice and dispensing pharmacy open data, March 2023 Release" publications.
Updated to include entry for the "NHS board data on the prevalent number of people diagnosed with HCV and last known to be RNA positive in Scotland, Release 20230404" publication.
Routine weekly update.
Routine monthly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect the finalised publication date for the "Persistent Poverty in Scotland, 2010-2011 to 2020-2021" and "Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland, 2019-22" publications.
Updated to reflect the finalised publication date for the "Local Government Funding Allocation, The Funding of Local Government in Scotland 2023-24" publication.
Updated to include the correct release time for the "Evaluating the impact of alcohol minimum unit pricing (MUP) on alcohol-attributable deaths and hospital admissions in Scotland" and "The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on alcohol consumption and harm in Scotland and England - an evidence summary" publications
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect the cancellation of the "Hospital onset COVID-19 cases in Scotland" publication
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine monthly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to include entry for the "Cross Border Purchasing , Addendum (You Gov) to ‘Evaluating the impact of Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) of alcohol in Scotland on cross-border purchasing (March 2022)'" publication.
Updated to reflect the delay of the "TB Annual Report, Release 17012023" publication.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to include entry for the "Health and Wellbeing Census, Health and Wellbeing Census 2021-22" publication.
Updated to reflect the delay of the "TB Annual Report, Release 17012023" publication.
Routine monthly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect the cancellation of the "Community Acute Respiratory Infection (CARI) surveillance in primary care: Evaluation report November 2021–May 2022, Community Acute Respiratory Infection (CARI) surveillance in primary care: Evaluation report November 2021–May 2022" publication, and include finalised publication date for the "Mental Health Inpatient Census" publication
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect the delay of the "Prescribing Statistics - Community Pharmacy Contractor Activity open data", "Prescribing Statistics - Monthly Prescribing Activity Data", and "Prescribing Statistics - Prescribing practice and dispensing pharmacy open data" publications, and to include entries for the "TB Annual Report, Release 17012023" and "Statistics on the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme in Scotland, Statistics on the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme in Scotland - December 2022" publications
Routine weekly update.
Updated to include entry for the "Labour Market Statistics for Scotland by Ethnic Group" publication
Routine monthly update.
Updated to include entry for the "Community Acute Respiratory Infection (CARI) surveillance in primary care: Evaluation report November 2021–May 2022, Community Acute Respiratory Infection (CARI) surveillance in primary care: Evaluation report November 2021–May 2022" publication
Updated to reflect the cancellation of the "COVID-19 Statistical Report", and the "Weekly national seasonal respiratory report"; to include entries for the "Weekly national respiratory infection and COVID-19 statistical report", and to include entry for the "Population health impacts of the rising cost of living in Scotland: a rapid health impact assessment" publication.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to include entry for the "Excess deaths from all causes, involving and with dementia as the underlying cause: Scotland 2020-2022" publication
Updated to include entry for "Diet and Healthy Weight Monitoring Report, 2022" publication
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect an update to the “Scottish Social Attitudes Survey: Public Views of Telephone and Video Appointments in General Practice” and “Scottish Social Attitudes Survey: Attitudes to Scotland’s Handling of the Pandemic” publications.
Updated to reflect the delay of the "Scottish Cervical Screening Program Statistics" publication.
Routine weekly update.
Routine monthly update’
Updated to include entry for the "Health Board and Scottish Parliamentary Constituency Liver Mortality Maps, Health Board and Scottish Parliamentary Constituency Liver Mortality Maps" publication
Updated to include entry for the "Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2021/22: Public attitudes towards people with problem drug use" publication
Regular weekly update
Updated to include entry for the "Cancer Place of Death, November 2022 release" publication, and to reflect the delay of the "Local Government Candidate Diversity Survey 2022" publication.
Updated to include entry for the "Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2021/22: Public attitudes towards people with problem drug use" publication, and to reflect the new date of the "Numbers of people prescribed Opioid Substitution Therapy in Scotland, 2021/22" publication.
Updated to include entry for the "Trade responses to restrictions on the marketing of unhealthy commodities, Release 2022" publication, and to reflect the delay of the "Scottish Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Report, Release 2019-2022" publication.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect the change of date for the forthcoming editions of the "Weekly national seasonal respiratory report"
Routine monthly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect delay of Evaluation of the COVID-19 vaccination programme 2021-22 report.
Scheduled update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine monthly update
Routine weekly update.
Opioid Substitution Therapy in Scotland 2021/22
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to include entries for the “Dental Treatment Statistics” publication
Updated to reflect cancellation several editions of the “Enhanced surveillance of COVID-19 in Scotland: Population-based seroprevalence” publication.
Routine update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to include entry for the “Resource Allocation Formula (NRAC), August 2022 release” publication.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to include entry for the “COVID-19 and greenspace use” publication.
Routine monthly update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to include entry for the “Residential Rehabilitation: Interim Monitoring Report on Residential Rehabilitation Funded Placements, Release 20220628” publication.
Updated to reflect the correct publication times for the “Labour Market Trends” and “Public Sector Employment" series.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to include entry for the “Factors affecting uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine” publication.
Routine monthly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to include entries for the “Are the kids alright? Key messages from the third round of the Public Health Scotland COVID-19 Early Years Resilience and Impact Survey” and the “Medical Assisted Treatment Benchmarking Report” publications.
Updated to include entry for the “General Practice – Demographics Data Visualisation”; “Alcohol Marketing Restrictions in 7 European Countries” and the “National Care Service (NCS) Evidence Review” publications, and to reflect the delay to the “Delayed Discharges Annual Summary” publication. Next scheduled update amended to 20 May.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to include entry for the “Psychiatric Care Inpatient Deaths for Patients with Learning Disabilities and Autism - 2015/16 - 2021/22” publication.
Updated to include entry for the “Scottish Natural Capital Accounts: 2022” publication.
Updated to reflect the delay of the “Resource Allocation Formula (NRAC)” publication.
Scheduled update prior to the Scottish local Government Elections 2022.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect the delay of the “Cancer Survival Statistics” publication, and include new entries for “Headline Results”, “Antibody Data” and “Characteristics Data” as part of the Covid-19 Infection Survey publications.
Updated to reflect the delay of the “Resource Allocation Formula (NRAC)” and the “Scottish Drug Misuse Database Annual Report” publications, and the addition of the “Residential Rehabilitation: Interim Monitoring Report on Residential Rehabilitation Funded Placements, Quarterly Update” publication.
Routine weekly update.
Routine monthly update.
Updated 'Next update'.
Routine update.
Updated to reflect the new publication date for the “Recorded Crime in Scotland, 2021-2022
Updated to reflect the delay of the “Recourse Allocation Formula (NRAC)” publication.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to show the finalised publication dates for the “Persistent Poverty in Scotland” and “Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland” publications.
Routine weekly update
Routine weekly update.
Updated to correct spreadsheet - updated to reflect the correction of the publication date of the “Recorded Crime in Scotland :- Monthly update – February 2022” publication.
Updated to reflect the correction of the publication date of the “Recorded Crime in Scotland :- Monthly update – February 2022” publication.
Updated to reflect the delay of the “Monitoring ethnic health inequalities in Scotland during COVID-19: Data and Evidence” publication.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Added entry for the Analysis of Excess Deaths From All Causes and Dementia, in All Settings, Scotland 2020/2021 publication.
Updated to reflect the delay of the Understanding the lived experience of COVID-19 for marginalised communities publication.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to add entry for National Transition Training Fund (NTTF) – Year 1
Routine monthly update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect the delay of the Understanding the lived experience of COVID-19 for marginalised communities publication.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine monthly update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect the delay of the Recorded Crimes and Offences Involving Firearms 2018/19 & 2019/20 Publication.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Routine monthly update.
Mid week update of report to reflect cancellation of Coronavirus infection survey - antibody data).
Routine weekly update.
Updated to include entry for Fair Start Scotland Employability Evaluation: Accompanying Statistics.
Updated synopsis for the Scottish Surveys Core Questions 2020 publication.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect the reclassification of Suspected Drug Deaths in Scotland: April to June 2021.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to add entry for Suspected Drug Deaths in Scotland: April to June 2021.
Routine monthly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated to reflect the delay of the SAAS: Higher Education Student Support 2020-21 Publication.
Routine weekly update.
Routine weekly update.
Updated synopsis for Housing Statistics publication
Routine weekly update.
Updated to add Digital Economy Business Survey 2021 and Digital Economy Maturity Index (DEMI) publications.
'Next update' changed
Routine monthly update of calendar.
Updated to reflect the delay of the Scottish Statutory Debt Solutions Statistics, Financial Year 2020-21.
Routine weekly web update of calendar.
Routine weekly web update of calendar.
Updated to reflect the cancellation of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, Characteristics Data for Scotland - 13 July.
Routine weekly web update of calendar.
Routine weekly web update of calendar.
Routine monthly update’
Routine weekly web update of calendar.
Routine weekly web update of calendar.
Routine weekly web update of calendar
Adding details for 9th June Covid-19 Infection Survey Publication.
Routine weekly web update of calendar
Updated entries for 02 June COVID-19 Statistical Report; Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, Antibody data for Scotland – 9 June 2021; various NRS population and migration statistics for Aug 2021 release.
Routine monthly update.
Routine weekly web update of calendar
New edition of Forthcoming Publications calendar published.
Routine weekly web update of calendar.
Delay to the Transport and Travel Public Attitudes Survey, Wave 16 publication details given
Revised entry for the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, Characteristics data for Scotland - 8 April publication – data on Scotland will now be available.
Updated entries for ‘Deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19) in Scotland’ week 13, ‘Land and Buildings Transaction Tax Statistics, April 2021’, ‘Scottish Landfill Tax Statistics, Q4 2020-21’, and ‘Scotland’s Devolved Employment Services’ publications.
Routine monthly update of calendar.
New edition of Forthcoming Publications calendar published.
New edition of Forthcoming Publications calendar published.
New edition of Forthcoming Publications calendar published.
Added new forthcoming publications stats spreadsheet.
Added entry for Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, 26 February release.
New edition of Forthcoming Publications calendar published.
New edition of Forthcoming Publications calendar published.
New edition of Forthcoming Publications calendar published.
Updated publication dates for Strategic Framework Business Fund – February, March and April 2021 releases.
Updated publication date for Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, Antibody Data for Scotland - 3 February 2021 Release
22 January edition published – regular monthly update.
Added entry for Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, 22 January Release
Updated entry for the Export Statistics 2019 publication
15 January edition published – regular monthly update.
Updated spreadsheet added.
Added entry for Hands Up Scotland Survey publication.
8 January edition published – regular monthly update.
Added entries for Scotland’s Carbon Footprint and ONS Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey releases.
22 December edition published – regular monthly update.
New edition of Forthcoming Publications calendar published
Amending entry for Seasonal Influenza Vaccine 2020/21 provisional management information publication.
Added entries for COVID-19 Business Support Fund statistics, Strategic Framework Business Fund Tranche statistics, Seasonal Influenza Vaccine 2020/21 provisional management information and COVID-19 Vaccination provisional management information
New edition of Forthcoming Publications calendar published
Amended entry for COVID-19 Early Years Resilience and Impact Survey (CEYRIS), COVID-19 Early Years Resilience and Impact Survey (CEYRIS) - Full Report.
Added finalised date for Quarterly Criminal Court Statistics in Scotland, 10 - Quarterly Criminal Court Statistics – Quarter 2, 2020-21
30 November edition published – regular monthly update.
Updated publication date and title for Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, 26 November Release.
Added entry for ONS Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey – Antibody Data for Scotland - 24th November 2020..
New edition of Forthcoming Publications calendar published
Amended publication date and contact for Monitoring and Evaluation of Rights, Respect and Recovery, November 2020 release.
New edition of Forthcoming Publications calendar published
30th October edition published
Added entry for 30 October release of Coronavirus (Covid-19) Infection Survey.
Added entry for ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey pilot’.
Added entry for weekly national seasonal respiratory report, 20201021 release (week 42).
updated to add details of new data that is being included in the Coronavirus (COVID-19): Daily data for Scotland publication.
Added entry for Weekly national seasonal respiratory report, 20201014 release (week 41)
Amended release date for Prescribing Statistics - Medicines used in Mental Health, October 2020 Release.
Added entry for Rapid international evidence review: Impact of the COVID-19 disease control measures on physical activity and dietary behaviours and weight , Release 20201021.
Added entry for Transporting Scotland’s Trade
Added entry for Deferred Entry to Primary School Statistics.
Amended title for ‘Diet and Healthy Weight Monitoring Report’ (previously entered under ‘Obesity Indicators’), and added entry for ‘Transport use, health and health inequalities: The impact of measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19, Release 20201021’.
Updated to amend title and description of Administrative Data Population Estimates Scotland, 2016
30th September edition published.
Amended publication date for Discharges from NHS hospitals to care homes between 1 March and 31 May 2020.
Added entry for What explains the spatial variation in COVID-19 mortality across Scotland?, September 2020 Release.
Added finalised publication date for First estimate of Cereal and Oilseed Rape Harvest, 2020.
Publication date for Quality Outcome Measure 10: Percentage of last 6 months of life spent at home or in a community setting, October 2020 release amended
Added entry for COVID-19 Shielding Programme (Scotland) Impact and Experience Survey, 20200923 release
Added entry for Discharges from NHS hospitals to care homes between 1st March and 31st May 2020.
Added finalised publication date for Scotland's Population - The Registrar General's Annual Review of Demographic Trends, 2019, and added entries for Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2018 : Free-text Analysis and Health and Care Experience Survey 2019-20.
Added ‘Enhanced Surveillance of COVID-19 in Scotland Population-based seroprevalence surveillance, Second public facing report’ to the calendar
Updated to reflect the cancellation of Gastro-intestinal and Foodborne Infections: Laboratory Reports of Norovirus in Scotland, Gastro-intestinal and Foodborne Infections: Laboratory Reports of Norovirus in Scotland Week 35, Week 36, Week 37, Week 38 and Week 39 2020 editions
31 August edition of Forthcoming Publications calendar published.
Edited to add Public Health Scotland COVID-19 Early Years Resilience and Impact Survey (CEYRIS) publication
Amended publication date for ‘GDP Monthly Estimate, July 2020
Amended to include the cancellation of ‘Student Satisfaction and Engagement, Student Satisfaction and Engagement 2019-20’, and amended publication date for ‘Cancelled Planned Operations, September 2020 release
Added finalised publication date for Small Business Survey Scotland 2019.
Added entry for ‘Underlying causes of excess deaths in Scotland during the COVID-19 pandemic, by area deprivation, Release 20200826’
Added the Hospital onset COVID-19 mortality in Scotland and Job Start Payment, up to September 2020 publications; added the Supply and Use and Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland, 1998-2017 publication; finalised date for UK House Price Index Scotland, UK House Price Index Scotland: April 2020; adding the ‘Social Security Scotland client diversity and equalities to May 2020 ‘ and ‘Personal Independence Payment to July 2020’ publications, and finalising publication date for the ‘Scottish Social Attitudes 2019 Intra-household resource module’ publication.
Updated synopsis for the ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19): Daily data for Scotland’ publication
Adding entry for The Funding of Local Government 2020-21.
Finalising publication date for Scottish Pollutant Release Inventory, SPRI data 2019, Waste Incinerated in Scotland - 2019 Calendar Year, and Waste Landfilled in Scotland - 2019 Calendar Year; and amending publication dates for the delayed Time Use in Scotland 2020 and Gender Equality Index for Scotland 2020 publications.
31 July edition of Forthcoming Publications calendar published.
Adding Hospitalisation due to COVID-19 in Healthcare Workers, Release 20200805 to the calendar
‘Enhanced Surveillance of COVID-19 in Scotland Population-based seroprevalence surveillance’ added
Main publication updated
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