Nurse & Midwife Student Intake 2013-14

Policy relating to the setting of numbers oNurse & Midwife students recruited to train

Equality Impact Assessment - Results

Title of Policy

Nurse & Midwife Student ; Intake 2013-14

Summary of aims and desired outcomes of Policy

The purpose of this policy is to set the correct ratio of intake of Student Nurse & Midwifes for the period 2013-14. ;The desired outcome is to ensure the provision of the correct numbers of trained nurses & midwives. Making them available in the right place and at the right time. This contributes to the national outcome "We live longer, healthier lives"

Directorate: Division: team

Health Workforce Directorate: Workforce Planning Division:

Planning & Development

Executive summary

This policy relates to the setting of numbers of Nurse & Midwife students recruited to train, and therefore fulfil the future demand for qualified Nurse & Midwifery practitioners, required by NHSScotland and the People of Scotland. ;The numbers required are based on forecasted demand, training places are supplied by NES, access to the training places is based on suitable educational attainment. Equality impact is considered as part of the Workforce Planning Framework, within Scotland., which requires workforce planning to be undertaken at local, regional and national level.

Development is currently undertaken as part of the evolution of the policy. This will continue as the policy develops, with due care and consideration being given to equality, within future development, as current with Scottish Government directives. ; The main subject groups effected are covered by other additional Equality polices, resulting in a "light touch" future monitoring of this EQIA.


The purpose of this policy is to set the correct ratio of intake of Student Nurse & Midwifes for the period 2013-14. ;The desired outcome is to ensure the provision of the correct numbers of trained nurses & midwives. Making them available in the right place and at the right time. This contributes to the national outcome "We live longer, healthier lives". This area of policy effects 3 main groups, pre-registration students, providers ; (NES &NHSScotland Boards) and prospective patients.

The information which forms this EQIA was gathered from colleagues in ASD, Workforce Planning team and ultimately NES and NHSScotland.

The Scope of the EQIA

The foundation of ; data which informed this EQIA was gathered from ; staff engagement forms, completed when staff join or change organisations within NHSScotland. It should be noted that completion of these forms is optional and not mandatory. However, the policy covers student Nurse & Midwife training places, the access to these places ; is via the required educational attainment, and therefore not influenced by the characteristics defined in EQIA.

Key Findings

This policy relates to the settling of numbers of Nurse & Midwife students recruited to train, and therefore fulfil the future demand for qualified Nurse & Midwifery practitioners, required by NHSScotland and the People of Scotland. ;The numbers required are based on forecasted demand, training places are supplied via NES, access to the training places is based on suitable educational attainment. Equality impact is considered as part of the Workforce Planning Framework, within Scotland., which requires workforce planning to be undertaken at local, regional and national level. ;

Recommendations and Conclusion

Development is currently undertaken as part of the evolution ; of the policy. This will continue, with due care and consideration being given to equality within future development as current with Scottish Government directives. EQIA has ensured policy planners and deliverers are cognisant of equality issues which may arise through a failure to consider this aspect of the impact of the policy and contributes towards the national outcome "We have tackled the significant inequalities in Scottish society."


Email: Terri Thomson

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