
NHS Chairs minutes: October 2017

Minutes of the meeting of the NHS Chairs on 30 October 2017.

Items and actions


1. A list of those present and apologies is provided above.

Minutes of the previous meeting

2. The minutes of the meeting held on 28 August 2017 were approved.

Matters arising

3. There were no matters arising.

Ministerial remarks

4. The Cabinet Secretary highlighted the following areas for the attention of NHS Board Chairs: 

  • Audit Scotland 2017 Report
  • Elective and Cancer Performance
  • Regional Planning
  • Justice/Health Leaders Network
  • Chair Appointments

5. The Cabinet Secretary confirmed that the review of targets and indicators in health and social care was still pending publication, but would be discussed at a future NHS Board Chairs meeting.

Feedback from Chairs' private meeting

6. Denise Coia shared the key themes which arose following discussions from the NHS Board Chairs private meeting, including:

  • Innovation
  • Governance

7. Commenting on the issues, Chairs highlighted the importance of promoting innovation and working with the Scottish Government to ensure continued good governance.


8. Malcolm Wright, Regional Implementation Lead for North of Scotland and Chief Executive, NHS Grampian and Stephen Logan, Chair, NHS Grampian led a presentation on regionalisation arrangements in the north of Scotland. 

9. Shirley Rogers, Director of Workforce and Strategic Change then outlined the next steps with regards to engagement and implementation of actions that can be progressed before regional and national plans are finalised in March 2018.

10. The Cabinet Secretary commended the work that has been progressed to date and agreed that the next couple of meetings should follow a similar format with presentations from the Regional Implementation Leads on the West and East of Scotland.

Any other business

11. No additional items were proposed.

Date and time of next meeting

12. The next NHS Chairs meeting will be on Monday 4 December 2017 at 13:00 in the Scottish Health Service Centre, Edinburgh.

Office of the Chief Executive for NHSScotland

30 October 2017

NHS Chairs minutes - October 2017


Email: Corporate Business Management Team

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