
Marine publications: fish age determination procedures

These manuals describe the procedures employed by Marine Scotland Science for the aging of different kinds of fish.

In order to undertake stock assessments for use in fisheries management, a knowledge of fish age/stage is required. Although there is a general relationship in most species between age and size, It is difficult to determine the age of a species by simple measurements of body length or weight. Fisheries scientists, therefore, are required to determine fish age using alternate measures. The most common method is observing the growth rings in hard, bony structures of the fish the ear bones (otolith), scales, spines etc .  
These manuals describe the procedures employed by Marine Scotland Science for the aging of different kinds of fish.

Fish age determination procedures: anglerfish
Fish age determination procedures: gadoids
Fish age determination procedures: herring
Fish age determination procedures: mackerel
Fish age determination procedures: megrim
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