
Making Justice Work for Victims and Witnesses

Analysis of Consultation Responses on Victims and Witnesses Bill

ISBN 978 1 78256 286 3(Web publication only)
ISSN 2045 6964
DPPAS 13716

Sue Granville and Jo Fawcett
Why Research


Thanks to all at the Victims and Witnesses Unit, Justice Directorate who provided input and offered advice as required, and to the individuals and organisations who responded to the consultation.

This document is also available in pdf format (644k)


Executive summary
Background overview
Overview of consultees
Overview of analysis
Overview of responses
Improved information
Delivering greater certainty
Feeling supported
Feeling safe
Feeling involved
Making Offenders Pay
Restitution Orders

The consultation
Responses to the consultation
Analysis and reporting

Improved information
Case specific information
Promoting Information Sharing
Understanding Sentencing

Delivering greater certainty
Standards of Service
Agreeing a closed court in advance

Feeling supported
Improving victim and witness care and support
Definition and identification of vulnerability
Rights-based entitlement to special measures
Notification/ application arrangements
Additional support for child witnesses
Visual recording of vulnerable witness' evidence

Feeling safe
Rights of victims of sexual violence to choose the gender of their interviewer
Disclosure of personal details
Advising victims about offender temporary release
Investigative anonymity orders

Feeling involved
Victims' Interests
Child under 14
Extending eligibility

Making offenders pay
A Right to Compensation
Victim Surcharge
Restitution Orders

Other comments


Appendix 1: List of Organisations

Appendix 2: Consultation Questionnaire

The views expressed in this report are those of the researcher and
do not necessarily represent those of the Scottish Government or
Scottish Ministers.

This report is available on the Scottish Government Social Research website only


Email: Debbie Headrick

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