Social care - Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation: call for evidence analysis - easy read summary
Easy read version of the executive summary of the Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation of Social Care Support in Scotland's call for evidence analysis report which sets out the findings from the call for evidence submissions and notes from the engagement events.
This paper is about the Independent Review of Inspection Scrutiny and Regulation of Social Care Services in Scotland (IRISR)

This review looked at how:
- social care services are inspected and managed
- social care services support people to make sure they get the best outcomes possible
- to make sure inspection and management follows the law on human rights
- to make sure inspection and management is done in a person centred way

The Scottish Government announced the review in September 2022.

Dame Sue Bruce was the Chair of the review.

Mr. Stuart Currie was the vice chair.

Dame Sue Bruce wanted to make sure people with lived experience were included in the review.

These people are sometimes called stakeholders.
Work was done between October 2022 and January 2023.

It involved 2 important things. They were:
- looking for evidence of how care services are working, by making a questionnaire available to the public
- events for stakeholders

Each of these looked at the 5 same things. They are called themes. The 5 themes were:

- a person-centred way of working
- what organisations need to be inspected and checked to see if they follow the rules?
- how should inspections be done?
- how will we know things are working well?
- how will inspection support the workforce?

60 organisations gave the review evidence about care services.
40 people gave the review evidence about care services they use.

Mr Currie led 20 events.

7 were in person events across Scotland.
13 were held online.

130 people from different care organisations came to the online events and 19 other people came.

We found out that people thought:
- there is support for a person- centred approach to inspecting and checking services
- people using care and their families should be involved in planning and inspecting services
- workers in social care should have training that helps them to do their job well
- There are some services that people thought are not being checked to make sure they are following all the rules- these should be checked too
- everyone providing care services should be involved in making them better
There is a problem
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