Inspiring Connections: Scotland's International Culture Strategy - EasyRead version
An EasyRead version of Inspiring Connections: Scotland’s International Culture Strategy.
International Culture Strategy (Easy Read)

Scotland is rich in culture and creativity. It is part of how people around the world see us.

Every country has a different culture. Different cultures can be shared around the world.

We want to share Scotland’s culture with other countries.

Sharing our culture can provide income. It can also help us share new ideas with others.

We want to create a Strategy to help Scotland share its culture.

Scotland has very interesting music and museums. It also has festivals and historic locations and much more.

There are some challenges that stop Scotland sharing its culture. These challenges have included Covid-19 and Brexit.

We want Scotland to be recognised around the world for its culture.

This International Culture Strategy will help Scotland in a lot of ways. This includes supporting a good economy and being connected with the rest of the world.

This Strategy will also be reasonable and consider how we can respond to challenges.

Becoming part of the EU programmes would help Scotland greatly with sharing our culture.

This Strategy has important outcomes. We want to achieve these by the end of these six years.

We want to have a very diverse culture that people express in different ways.

We want to be open to the world and contribute to other countries.

We want to have an inclusive and sustainable economy. We also want to have quality jobs and fair work for everyone.

We want to value and protect the environment and want to take care of it.

We want to respect human rights and live free from discrimination.

Our vision is to connect Scotland’s culture with other cultures around the world.

We want people around the world to learn about and enjoy Scotland’s culture.

We want our international work to contribute to Scotland’s wellbeing.

This will make our culture and creative work stronger.

This will also make our culture more connected and diverse.

Our reputation with other countries will be improved too.

We will work with partners to make sure these outcomes are met. We will also check that the Strategy is working.
The Impact of International Cultural Engagement

Engaging with other cultures is incredibly important. It allows culture businesses to reach much wider audiences.

It also shows that we are open and committed to engaging with other cultures. We want to share knowledge and ideas.

It allows us to gain new ideas and inspiration to try new things.

It also helps us to do business across the world. This is good for Scotland’s economy.

Scotland will be able to share ideas and embrace the world through culture.
Supporting Requirements

Working around the world needs support. People need access to skills and knowledge to work.

Being able to travel around the world is important for Scotland’s culture. We should be able to travel to other places and people from other countries should be able to come to Scotland.

Scotland’s culture can travel around the world by trading goods and putting on cultural events. This can also be seen in tourism to Scotland.

Scotland has a lot of platforms to show off our culture. We have things like festivals and events that people around the world visit.

Scotland needs better connections to the EU. Brexit has damaged this, and it needs to be fixed.
Overarching Considerations and Context

There are things we will need to consider when promoting Scotland’s culture. We will need to deal with these for this Strategy to work.

Scotland’s resources should focus on areas that will help us. We can use culture to strengthen our friendships with other countries.

We want to be a leading part of reducing climate change. We will work with others to protect the environment.

Scotland understands that we have not always been fair and equal. We want to recognise our part in bad moments in history.

Equality is very important to Scotland. We will make sure equality stays an important part of this Strategy and our culture.
Delivering the International Culture Strategy

We have a timescale for how long we want this Strategy to go on for.

The Strategy will last from 2024 to 2030.

This Strategy will be checked on from time to time. To make sure the Strategy is on track.

This amount of time will help us grow this Strategy further.

This will also help make sure that we are meeting our outcomes.
Delivery Partners

Scotland will need delivery partners to help promote Scotland’s culture.

These partners include offices across the world working for Scotland.

Scotland wants to continue this relationship with our international offices. They can help Scotland connect with culture in different countries.

Brand Scotland helps us to promote our culture and openness around the world.

We will make sure this Strategy helps these offices and groups promote Scotland’s culture.

We will increase funding for Scotland’s culture by £15.8 million. This will make the total next year £196.6 million.

Funding can help Scotland’s culture grow at home and abroad.

The Scottish Government will do everything it can to help Scotland’s culture get funded.

They will do this by making sure people working in culture have access to support.

They will also look at what funding options are available to the culture and creative sector.
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