Independent Forensic Mental Health Review: interim report
This interim report describes the evidence gathered during the review’s consultation phase. A summary and easy read version are also available.
Message from the Chair of the Review
This report is a summary of the experiences, opinions and observations that people shared with the review either face-to-face or by responding in writing during our call for evidence. Under a series of themes, it reflects what people receiving, delivering and supporting others within forensic mental health services felt was important that the review knew. It also includes some of the many the ways in which people felt these the services could be improved.
I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to share their experiences. I have found everyone willing and eager to share their experiences, both good and not so good. I'd like to say a particular thank you to people with lived experience who spent time with the review team and shared their stories. We have tried to ensure your voices are heard in this interim report. Family members also deserve our thanks for coming along to various sessions specifically to speak to the review team. Thank you for your passion and for sharing your experiences with us.
Before reading this report I think it is important to note that this interim report does not seek to provide solutions, it aims to share what we were told and what was sent to us. The issues that people raised with us will be the foundation on which the review will now start to work towards making its recommendations. However, the report also lets me see the areas where we need to take some time to gather further evidence to allow us to make informed decisions and meet our terms of reference.
As everyone is well aware coronavirus (COVID-19) has come upon us during the period of the review. This led to a cessation of the work while we all contributed to the national effort to fight the virus. The pandemic has led to a revised timetable with a projected date of January 2021 for the publication of the final report.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed.

Derek T Barron, Chair of the Review
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