Healthy Body Image for Children and Young People Advisory Group agenda: September 2019

Agenda from the second meeting of the advisory group on 23 September 2019.

13:00 - welcome (5 minutes)

Chair welcomes the group to the second meeting.

13:05 – introductions (10 minutes)

Members absent to the first meeting to introduce themselves to the group.

13:15 – review of terms of reference and minutes of the first meeting (15 minutes)

Group to review and agree the terms of reference and minutes from first meeting for publishing.

13:30 – review definition work sent to Julie and Katie (30 minutes)

Discussion on existing definitions of healthy body image.  Review information sent to Julie and Katie.

14:00 – review current policies sent to Rachel (30 minutes)

Discussion on current policies about body image and which influence body image. Review information sent to Rachel.

14:30 – break (25 minutes)

14:55 – Review information about risks and protective factors sent to Helen S and Petya (30 minutes)

Discussion on what risks and protective factors may interact with body image. Review information sent to Helen S and Petya

15:25 – Exploring good practice around capacity building for professionals (30 minutes)

Discussion on what good practice people are aware of that enables professionals to have positive discussion with young people on healthy body image. 

15:55 – AOB and photo of the advisory group (5 minutes)

16:00 Close

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