
Health and Social Care Data Board: terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Health and Social Care Data Board.


Scotland’s Digital Health and Care Strategy recognises the need for a data strategy in order to drive forward the ambitious agenda it sets out. The data board is to be formed to provide leadership and oversight to the creation of the strategy and the subsequent delivery plan associated with the strategy.


  • to provide collective (multi-agency) leadership, setting strategic direction and having oversight of the health and social care data landscape. In order to influence and direct delivery of Scotland’s Health and Social Care Data Strategy, the board will both accept direction from the strategic leadership board as well as making recommendations to said board
  • to provide guidance and oversight to the data sub-governance layer, providing a point for escalation, including support to address blockers and barrier to delivery of the strategy’s ambitions
  • to have effective interfaces with other governance bodies interested in data, governance and associated technologies. This will be delivered through reciprocal membership
  • making timely and confident decisions on policies for the appropriate and proportionate use of data

Remit and authority

Data strategy development responsibilities 

  • accountable for the development and delivery of future iterations of the Data Strategy for Health and Social Care, on behalf of the Scottish Government, COSLA and NHS Scotland. This includes, but is not limited to: 
    • ensuring that activities taking place across the health and social care sector is aligned with the vision and ambitions of the data strategy
    • providing leadership and guidance to the sub-governance layer on data in health and social care
    • building relationships, and actively engage, with senior stakeholders in future development of Scotland’s Data Strategy for Health and Care 
    • ensuring alignment with other national strategies e.g. Digital Health and Care, Scotland's Digital Strategy and Scotland's AI Strategy
    • seeking assurances on the quality and impact of public and professional engagement and ongoing dialogue into the use of health and social care data
    • making recommendations on the scope of future iterations of the data strategy
    • regularly reviewing the data governance landscape, including the role of the board, as the data strategy evolves iteratively

Data strategy delivery responsibilities 

  • oversee the work of the data sub-governance layer in their assurance of activities associated with the data strategy
  • review national arrangements for data and information governance, and how this relates to the ambitions of the Health and Social Care Data Strategy
  • provide recommendations for restructuring and realigning governance arrangements to ensure the delivery of the data strategy, including: 
    • being accountable to the Strategic Leadership Board for Digital and Data Transformation for decision making and advice on data policy
    • aligning the board to other appropriate strategic oversight boards (such as Technical Design Authority and Digital Capabilities Board) 
  • where there are gaps in governance, establish new sub-boards or working groups where required
  • ensuring appropriate governance is in place to escalate and mitigate health and social care data challenges and risks
  • considering, and developing the ongoing governance required to provide strategic and tactical oversight of strategy deliverables across health and social care
  • to support the ethical, responsible and transparent use of data across health and social care in a way that is trusted by the public
  • to provide assurance on the use of AI, automation, and data-driven technologies in health and social care
  • to receive advice on regulatory and policy matters in relation to health and social care data

Data board membership

All members are expected to: 

  • complete reading in advance of meetings
  • inform the secretariat if they will miss a meeting and send an informed and authorised deputy instead 
  • represent their organisation or groups views or interests
  • participate and contribute to agenda items in order to achieve the ambitions of the data strategy 

Members have been selected as senior leaders and decision makers in organisations who have an interest in setting policy and leading delivery in service of the Data Strategy for Health and Social Care. Members have equal voting rights.

Supplementary attendees will be included for specific discussions in order to keep the board an effect forum for decision making. Supplementary attendees are advisors and do not have voting rights. 

Members of the board

Independent Chair:

  • Carol Sinclair, Strategic Data Adviser  

Core board members:

  • Colin Birchenall, Chief Technology Officer, Local Government Digital Office 
  • Jonathan Cameron, Deputy Director, Digital Health and Care, Scottish Government 
  • Joe Deary, Service Manager Data and Technology Assurance Team, Renfrewshire HSCP 
  • Euan Dick, Head of Chief Scientist Office, Scottish Government 
  • Mel Giarchi, Head of Whole System Intelligence Analysis, Scottish Government 
  • Tracey Gill, Chair of NHS Scotland IG Leads Forum, NHS Grampian 
  • Andy Grayer, Head of Major Programmes, Scottish Government 
  • Roger Halliday, Chief Executive, Research Data Scotland and Co Director of Administrative Data Research Scotland 
  • Scott Heald, Director of Data Driven Innovation, Public Health Scotland 
  • Karen Hedge, National Director, Scottish Care 
  • Lisa Hill, Head of Information Governance and Cyber Security, Scottish Government 
  • Catherine Kelly, CCIO and Consultant Physician. NHS Borders 
  • Albert King, Chief Data Officer, National Services Scotland 
  • Mavis Machirori, Senior Researcher, Ada Lovelace Institute 
  • Eilidh McLaughlin, Head of Digital Citizen Unit 
  • Heather Thomson, Interim Chief Executive, The Data Lab 
  • Martin Murchie, Chief Officer for Data and Insights, Aberdeen City Council 
  • Penni Rocks, DHAC representative for Primary Care Data Intelligence Programme Board  
  • Nicola Steedman, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Head of Medical Advisory Division, Scottish Government 
  • Lorraine Taggart, Head of Information Management, NHS Lanarkshire 
  • Jonathon Todd, National Information Leads, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 
  • Alison White, Director, West Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership 
  • Angie Wood, Co-Director Social Care and National Care Service Development Directorate, Scottish Government 

Data board attendance

The board will have wider representation and input at its meeting from relevant stakeholders. 

The board is considered quorate with 11 attendees (which must include representation for Scottish Government, local government and the NHS as well as the Chair).   

Reporting relationship

The board will report to the strategic leadership board. Additionally, the board will retain close links with the Digital Services and Innovation Board, the Technical Design Authority, the Major programmes Assurance Board and the Digital Capabilities Board. Recognising the cross-over in topics of interest between the boards. 

Operational arrangements

The board will meet on a quarterly basis

The board shall be supported by the Digital Health and Care policy unit, who will oversee project/programme delivery, reporting processes and escalation.

The data delivery sub-board and data standards sub-board will report directly to the data board.

Minutes and associated action points will be taken during meetings. Action points and minutes will be distributed no later than three weeks after each meeting.

Duration of the board

The board and its operation will be reviewed on an annual basis.

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