
Fuel Poverty Strategic Working Group minutes: October 2016

Record of discussion for the October 2016 meeting of the Fuel Poverty Strategic Working Group.

Attendees and apologies


David Sigsworth, Chair (DS), Elizabeth Leighton (EL), Alan Ferguson (AF), Donna Burnett (DB), Norman Kerr (NK), Gordon Grant (GG), Trisha McAuley (TM), Teresa Bray (TB), Craig Salter (CS)


Angus Macleod (AM), Scottish Government


Ade Kearns (AK), Tony Cain (TC)

In attendance

Christine McArthur (CMcA), note taker

Items and actions

DS welcomed everyone to the meeting. He took this opportunity to thank everyone for their time and input.

1. Minutes of the previous meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on 11 August 2016 were circulated prior to this meeting. These were approved.

2. SWG Final Report

What next with the Report? The report must be with the Scottish Government by Monday 10 October. It will then be sent to their design department for layout purposes. Once this is complete we will need to proof the text. DS asked for volunteers to do this during the week beginning 17 October. NK suggested that his Deputy, Elizabeth Gore (EG) would be available to do this. It was agreed that EG do this and DB has a colleague who could possibly assist if EG was unavailable. It is expected that the Report will be made public week beginning 24 October, just after recess. It is expected that the report by the Rural Fuel Poverty Task Force will be published at the same time.

DS suggested that the Minister would announce receipt of the Report in a press release. DS is hoping to have the opportunity to provide a quote for this. DS is speaking at the Energy Action Scotland Annual Conference about the work of the Group.

DS asked everyone to highlight the report to as many of their colleagues and contacts as possible.

It was suggested that the format, remit and structure of the current Fuel Poverty Forum may change in light of the report by both the SWG and the Rural Fuel Poverty Task Force.

CMcA had circulated the draft of the final report in advance. An additional version, with comments and suggestions made by AK was also circulated.

The group were asked to use the version edited by AK.

EL highlighted a few points that still needed clarification/comment from the Group. Those in attendance went through these one by one.

Title: After lengthy discussion, it was agreed that the final report would be called “A Scotland without fuel poverty is a fairer Scotland: Four steps to achieving sustainable, affordable and attainable warmth and energy use for all”. EL requested that members update their personal details contained in the report and let her have any amendments by 7 October.

Those attending went through several areas of the report to discuss possible amendments.

NK offered the services of Elizabeth Gore to proof the document once it had been typeset by the Scottish Government. The purpose of this was to ensure continuity in the report as well as any typos which may have been missed.

3. Circulation of Final Report

Once the report has been printed we should circulate to: MSPs, MPs, MEPs DB will circulate to all Directors of Public Health

EAS will take a few copies to their annual conference and provide the link to their members and contacts.

The group are asked to highlight the report to as many of their contacts as possible.

DS closed the meeting and thanked everyone for their time not only at the meeting but also over the last year.



Telephone: 0141 226 3264

Scottish Fuel Poverty Strategic Working Group
Energy Action Scotland
Suite 4a Ingram House
227 Ingram Street
G1 1DA

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