Freshers' Week and Parallel College Arrangements Sub-Group

Part of the Equally Safe in Colleges and Universities Working Group.

This sub-group of Equally Safe in Colleges and Universities is tasked with working with stakeholders on how to make best use of Fresher’s week, parallel colleges arrangements, and beyond, to share information and raise awareness.

The sub-group is chaired and provided with secretariat by the Scottish Government. 


  • Gareth Allen, Scottish Government
  • Steven Paxton, Scottish Government (Secretariat)
  • Saira Kapasi, Scottish Government
  • Shuwanna Aaron, NUS Scotland
  • Kathryn Dawson, Rape Crisis Scotland
  • Anni Donaldson, University of Strathclyde
  • Fiona Drouet, Emily Test
  • Susannah Lane, Universities Scotland
  • Suzanne Marshall, Colleges Scotland
  • Cara Spence, LGBT Youth Scotland
  • Jill Stevenson, University of Stirling/AMOSHHE
  • Hannah Pearson, Equality Network
  • Jo Zawadska, Zero Tolerance
  • Lydia Okroji, Scottish Women’s Aid
  • Duncan MacKay, Universities Scotland
  • Ann Gow, Universities and Colleges Union


Minutes from the sub-group's meetings can be found below. 



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