Free Personal Care Implementation Advisory Group minutes: May 2018

Minutes of the meeting of the Free Personal Care Implementation Advisory Group that took place on 21 May 2018.

Attendees and apologies

In attendance

  • David Fotheringham, Scottish Government (Chair)
  • Mike Liddle, Scottish Government
  • Susan Brodie, Scottish Government
  • Julie Rintoul, Scottish Government, Health and Social Care Analysis
  • Karen Hedges, Scottish Care
  • Chris Creegan, Scottish Commission for Learning Disability
  • Fiona Hart, East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership (H&SCP) 
  • Patrick Welsh, West Lothian integrated Joint Board
  • Jonathan Sharma, COSLA
  • Jane Johnstone, Scottish Government, Office of the Chief Social Work Adviser
  • Kenneth Leinster, South Ayrshire H&SCP
  • Yvette Burgess, Director of Housing Support and Enabling Unit


  • Annie Gunner Logan, Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland
  • Julie Slaven, West Dunbartonshire H&SCP
  • Sally Witcher, Service User Group Member
  • Garrick Smyth, COSLA
  • George Bowie, Angus H&SCP
  • Sharon Wearing, Glasgow H&SCP
  • Morag Johnston, CIPFA Directors of Finance

Items and actions

Item 1: Welcome, introduction and apologies

1. David Fotheringham welcomed those present and apologies were noted.

Item 2: Previous minutes

2. The Draft Minutes of the 16 April 2018 meeting were approved.

Item 3: Guidance – sections 1 and 2 update

3. Susan Brodie presented the latest updated draft of sections 1 and 2 of the guidance informing the group that the language of the guidance has yet to be updated and informed of on-going discussions with specialist colleagues.

Item 4: Guidance – sections 3 – 6

4. Susan Brodie took the group through the proposed amendments and agreed updates to sections 3-6 of the guidance.  The group discussed these amendments and agreed proposed changes.  A clean version incorporating these changes will be circulated to the group to review.

Item 5: SACT update

5. David Fotheringham gave an update on the on-going work on the issues raised by Scotland Against the Care Tax (SACT) and the group discussed these areas.  It was agreed a sub group whose expertise is in finance would be set up, to consider in more detail the financial aspects of the policy, including the SACT proposals, other models and estimates of additional demand.  This group will then report back to IAG members. 

Item 6: Additional demand update

6. Julie Rintoul presented an update on additional demand which the group considered and discussed.  It was agreed there is more work to be carried out in this area for the group to discuss and consider at the next IAG meeting.

Item 7: Progress of draft Scottish Statutory Instrument

7. Mike Liddle provided an update relating to the Scottish Statutory Instrument process.  The Scottish Statutory Instrument has been considered by the Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee on 8 May 2018 and no points were raised.  The Scottish Statutory Instrument will now go before the Health and Sport Committee on the 5 June and the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, Shona Robison will give evidence on this.

Item 8: AIB

8. Yvette Burgess informed the group she had recently held a small providers meeting, together with David Fotheringham, looking at possible consequences of free personal care legislation and guidance, including the requirement for assessments.  
9. IAG members agreed a high level of communication of the implementation plan, is required to ensure effective and sufficient local frameworks are put in place for local implementation and monitoring. 

Item 9: Next meeting

10. Due to a the group’s agreement to set up a sub group the IAG group will next meet in August,  details of which are to be confirmed.



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