Publication - Minutes
Free Personal Care Implementation Advisory Group minutes: April 2018
- Published
- 22 May 2018
- Topic
- Health and social care
- Location
- COSLA Building, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh
Minutes of the meeting of the Free Personal Care Implementation Advisory Group that took place on 16 April 2018.
Attendees and apologies
In attendance
- David Fotheringham, Scottish Government (Chair)
- Mike Liddle, Scottish Government
- Susan Brodie, Scottish Government
- Julie Rintoul, Scottish Government, Health and Social Care Analysis
- Chris Creegan, Scottish Commission for Learning Disability
- Fiona Hart, East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership (H&SCP) Garrick Smyth, COSLA
- Jonathan Sharma, COSLA Yvette Burgess, Director of Housing Support and Enabling Unit
- George Bowie, Angus H&SCP
- Jane Johnstone, Scottish Government, Office of the Chief Social Work Adviser
- Kenneth Leinster, South Ayrshire H&SCP
- Sharon Wearing, Glasgow H&SCP
- Morag Johnston, CIPFA Directors of Finance
- Annie Gunner Logan, Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland
- Patrick Welsh, West Lothian integrated Joint Board
- Julie Slaven, West Dunbartonshire H&SCP
- Karen Hedges, Scottish Care
- Sally Witcher, Service User Group Member
Items and actions
Item 1: Welcome, introduction and apologies
1. David Fotheringham welcomed those present and apologies were noted.
Item 2: Previous minutes
2. The Draft Minutes of the 19 March 2018 meeting were approved.
3. David gave an update on the on-going work on the issues raised by Scotland Against the Care Tax (SACT) – and will provide a further update to the group at the next meeting.
Item 3: Increased demand: Dementia
4. David Fotheringham presented a paper on the potential for new clients with a diagnosis of dementia seeking free personal care.
5. The group discussed the paper, and concluded that the projections were low, but that could be as a result people with dementia presenting with conditions other than dementia as the primary reason for seeking care. These people would be picked up in other analyses of increased demand.
Item 4: Increased demand: physical disability and other conditions
6. David Fotheringham presented a further paper on increased demand, considering physical disability and other categories.
7. It was suggested that the analysis in these reports could be linked with other sources, including Learning Disabilities Statistics Scotland and social security data.
Item 5: Guidance – sections 1 and 2
8. Susan Brodie introduced the new draft of sections 1 and 2 of the guidance, which had been circulated taking into account comments made at the previous meeting. The group discussed these and agreed a number of changes and a clean copy of these sections will be circulated to members before the next meeting.
Item 6: Guidance – sections 3 – 6
9. Susan Brodie took the group through the proposed amendments to sections 3-6 of the guidance. The group discussed these amendments and agreed proposed changes. A clean version incorporating these changes will be circulated to the group in advance of the next meeting.
Item 7: Transitions from children’s to adult services
10. Mike Liddle introduced the paper on transitions from children’s to adult services. It was agreed that the Child Rights and Welfare Impact Assessment which accompanies the draft legislation should note the issues raised, but no further consideration was required by the group.
Item 8: Draft Scottish Statutory Instrument
11. Susan Brodie presented the draft legislation to the group, which noted the content without further comment.
Item 9: AOB
12. No other business was raised.
Item 10: Next meeting
13. The next meeting will be held on Monday 21st May at 2pm in Verity House (COSLA Building), 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH.
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