
Forensic Governance Advisory Group minutes: November 2024

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 15 November 2024.

Attendees and apologies


  • Ms Esther Roberton (Chair)
  • Dr Ian Dewar
  • Mr Jim Cannon

In attendance

  • Ms Jennifer Brady
  • Ms Danielle McLeary

Items and actions

Welcome and introductions

Officials welcomed Forensic Governance Advisory Group members to St Andrews House and thanked them for their participation.

The Chair took the opportunity to give opening remarks and setting the direction of the first meeting.

Discussions took place on understanding the current landscape of Forensic Mental Health services and the scope of the group.

Terms of Reference (ToR)

Group members reviewed and made changes to the draft Terms of Reference (ToR). It was agreed these changes where appropriate to ensure that the role of the group is accurately reflected and expectations are met.

Action 1: Amendments to be made to ToR document as agreed by members.

Action 2: The finalised ToR to be published on the Group’s webpage once signed off.

Stakeholder mapping

Group members discussed stakeholder engagement and agreed a way forward which included developing an initial engagement plan.

The group agreed that a thoughtful balance needs to be struck with stakeholder engagement.  The group do not seek nor would it be appropriate to replicate the very extensive broad engagement that was undertaken previously especially as part of the Independent Review into the Delivery of Forensic Mental Health Services (the Barron Review). They do also recognise, however, that further thoughtful engagement with key stakeholders is essential in finalising proposals for the governance arrangement reforms that will be most helpful to patient care and to the co-ordinated, effective delivery of services in the longer term.

It was agreed that the Chair will meet some stakeholders individually and others as part of the Advisory Group where appropriate.

Action 3: A schedule of stakeholder meetings and visits is currently being planned.

How will we work together

Group members discussed how often they will meet going forward and their availability alongside their existing roles. It was agreed that meeting in person where possible would be useful, however meetings on Microsoft Teams will also be convenient.

It was agreed that a project plan should be developed to clearly set out the work of the group until March 2025.

Action 4: Group members to provide availability for upcoming months in order for secretariat to arrange meetings with stakeholders and plan the next in-person meeting.

Action 5: Project Plan to be developed for the next meeting.

Any other busineess (AOB) and next meeting

There were no additional items to add to the agenda for this first meeting.

The Chair drew the meeting to a close, thanking members for coming together in person for a productive discussion.

The next meeting will be scheduled for December 2024 dependent on availability.

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