Scottish Government Main pay ranges 2023 to 2025: FOI release
- Published
- 20 January 2025
- Directorate
- People Directorate
- Topic
- Public sector
- FOI reference
- FOI/202400443567
- Date received
- 4 December 2024
- Date responded
- 19 December 2024
Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
Information requested
The two most recent pay settlements accepted by employees of your department. Please provide all pay grades and their respective salary bands, for 23/24 and 24/25.
The Scottish Government only negotiates and agrees pay awards for Band A – C staff within Scottish Government Main (SGM) and seafaring staff in the Scottish Government (SG) Marine bargaining units. We have therefore interpreted “pay settlements accepted by employees of your department” as pay awards accepted by SGM and SG Marine employees. You can find information on which bodies are included within SGM in Annex A.
You have also submitted requests for this information to SPPA and SASA. SPPA and SASA form part of SG Main and thus the same pay awards apply to those employees. This response is therefore a combined response and also covers your FOI request with the reference number 202400443673 and 202400443804.
Please see tables below with the requested information:
Scottish Government Main pay ranges 2023 to 2025
Pay ranges as of 1 April 2023
Pay step |
A3 |
A4 |
B1 |
B2 |
B3 |
BF |
C1 |
C2 |
C3 |
Max-3 |
30,558 |
35,196 |
43,725 |
34,490 |
54,973 |
71,967 |
Max-2 |
23,292 |
26,999 |
30,920 |
36,462 |
44,998 |
37,742 |
57,611 |
74,470 |
83,328 |
Max-1 |
24,502 |
27,925 |
31,962 |
38,147 |
47,133 |
39,917 |
61,792 |
77,703 |
84,268 |
Max |
26,133 |
29,122 |
33,539 |
40,246 |
52,353 |
42,634 |
68,540 |
83,065 |
84,456 |
Pay ranges as of 1 January 2024
Pay step |
A3 |
A4 |
B1 |
B2 |
B3 |
BF |
C1 |
C2 |
C3 |
Max-3 |
31,140 |
35,867 |
44,557 |
35,147 |
56,020 |
72,310 |
Max-2 |
23,735 |
27,513 |
31,509 |
37,156 |
45,855 |
38,461 |
58,708 |
74,824 |
83,725 |
Max-1 |
24,969 |
28,457 |
32,571 |
38,874 |
48,031 |
40,678 |
62,969 |
78,073 |
84,670 |
Max |
26,631 |
29,677 |
34,177 |
41,013 |
53,351 |
43,446 |
69,846 |
83,460 |
84,858 |
Pay ranges as of 1 April 2024
Pay step |
A3 |
A4 |
B1 |
B2 |
B3 |
BF |
C1 |
C2 |
C3 |
Max-3 |
36,585 |
45,449 |
35,850 |
57,141 |
73,757 |
Max-2 |
25,235 |
29,013 |
32,140 |
37,900 |
46,773 |
39,231 |
59,883 |
76,321 |
85,400 |
Max-1 |
26,469 |
29,957 |
33,223 |
39,652 |
48,992 |
41,492 |
64,229 |
79,635 |
86,364 |
Max |
28,131 |
31,177 |
34,861 |
41,834 |
54,419 |
44,315 |
71,243 |
85,130 |
86,556 |
Pay ranges as of 1 January 2025
Pay step |
A3 |
A4 |
B1 |
B2 |
B3 |
BF |
C1 |
C2 |
C3 |
Max-3 |
36,944 |
45,894 |
36,202 |
57,701 |
74,480 |
Max-2 |
25,235 |
29,013 |
32,455 |
38,271 |
47,231 |
39,615 |
60,470 |
77,069 |
86,237 |
Max-1 |
26,469 |
29,957 |
33,549 |
40,041 |
49,472 |
41,899 |
64,859 |
80,416 |
87,211 |
Max |
28,131 |
31,177 |
35,203 |
42,244 |
54,952 |
44,750 |
71,942 |
85,964 |
87,404 |
Scottish Government Marine pay ranges 2023 to 2025
Pay ranges as of 1 April 2023
1A/MM |
PO (D/MM) |
Cook |
Chief Steward/CPO |
3rd Engineer/ 2nd Officer |
2nd Engineer (2ENG)/1st Officer Safety |
Max-3 |
44,375 |
48,841 |
Max-2 |
33,758 |
38,061 |
36,157 |
40,291 |
45,406 |
50,119 |
Max-1 |
35,556 |
38,642 |
37,850 |
40,962 |
46,439 |
51,396 |
Max |
37,351 |
39,220 |
39,540 |
41,633 |
47,469 |
52,672 |
2nd Engineer (Chief)/1st Officer(Exec) |
Chief Engineer/Safety Super |
Commanding Officer |
Engineer Super |
Marine Super |
Max-3 |
53,699 |
65,737 |
70,247 |
77,384 |
82,463 |
Max-2 |
56,132 |
68,162 |
73,052 |
79,198 |
83,952 |
Max-1 |
58,565 |
70,588 |
75,857 |
81,010 |
85,441 |
Max |
60,997 |
73,012 |
78,661 |
82,821 |
86,930 |
Pay ranges as of 1 January 2024
1A/MM |
PO (D/MM) |
Cook |
Chief Steward/CPO |
3rd Engineer/ 2nd Officer |
2nd Engineer (2ENG)1st Officer Safety |
Max-3 |
45,220 |
49,772 |
Max-2 |
34,401 |
38,786 |
36,846 |
41,059 |
46,271 |
51,074 |
Max-1 |
36,233 |
39,378 |
38,571 |
41,742 |
47,323 |
52,375 |
Max |
38,063 |
39,967 |
40,293 |
42,426 |
48,373 |
53,675 |
2nd Engineer (Chief)/1st Officer (Exec) |
Chief Engineer/Safety Super |
Commanding Officer |
Engineer Super |
Marine Super |
Max-3 |
54,721 |
66,989 |
71,585 |
78,858 |
84,034 |
Max-2 |
57,202 |
69,461 |
74,444 |
80,706 |
85,551 |
Max-1 |
59,681 |
71,932 |
77,302 |
82,553 |
87,069 |
Max |
62,159 |
74,403 |
80,160 |
84,399 |
88,586 |
Pay ranges as of 1 April 2024
1A/MM |
PO (D/MM) |
Cook |
Chief Steward/CPO |
3rd Engineer/ 2nd Officer |
2nd Engineer (2ENG)/1st Officer Safety |
Max-3 |
46,125 |
50,768 |
Max-2 |
35,090 |
39,562 |
37,583 |
41,881 |
47,197 |
52,096 |
Max-1 |
36,958 |
40,166 |
39,343 |
42,577 |
48,270 |
53,423 |
Max |
38,825 |
40,767 |
41,099 |
43,275 |
49,341 |
54,749 |
2nd Engineer (Chief)/1st Officer (Exec) |
Chief Engineer/Safety Super |
Commanding Officer |
Engineer Super |
Marine Super |
Max-3 |
55,816 |
68,329 |
73,017 |
80,436 |
85,715 |
Max-2 |
58,347 |
70,851 |
75,933 |
82,321 |
87,263 |
Max-1 |
60,875 |
73,371 |
78,849 |
84,205 |
88,811 |
Max |
63,403 |
75,892 |
81,764 |
86,087 |
90,358 |
Pay ranges as of 1 January 2025
1A/MM |
PO (D/MM) |
Cook |
Chief Steward/CPO |
3rd Engineer/ 2nd Officer |
2nd Engineer (2ENG)/1st Officer Safety |
Max-3 |
46,577 |
51,266 |
Max-2 |
35,434 |
39,950 |
37,952 |
42,291 |
47,660 |
52,607 |
Max-1 |
37,320 |
40,560 |
39,729 |
42,995 |
48,743 |
53,947 |
Max |
39,205 |
41,167 |
41,502 |
43,699 |
49,825 |
55,286 |
2nd Engineer (Chief)/1st Officer (Exec) |
Chief Engineer/Safety Super |
Commanding Officer |
Engineer Super |
Marine Super |
Max-3 |
56,363 |
68,999 |
73,733 |
81,224 |
86,556 |
Max-2 |
58,919 |
71,545 |
76,678 |
83,128 |
88,118 |
Max-1 |
61,472 |
74,090 |
79,622 |
85,030 |
89,682 |
Max |
64,024 |
76,636 |
82,565 |
86,931 |
91,244 |
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