Multi-Functional Devices and printing/scanning services contracts: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Information requested

A range of information relating to our current Multi-Functional Devices and printing/scanning services contract(s) based on these questions.

1. What services are included in the contract(s)? (e.g. printing vs scanning etc).

2. Which supplier is delivering them? (If in-house, please confirm or if multiple providers please identify them).

3. If the supplier is not the manufacturer, which manufacturer are the devices?

4. How many contracts does this entail and what's the award value for each?

5. When do these contracts expire and do they have any extensions?

6. What is the annual volumetric data (split by Annual Mono and Annual Colour print)?

7. What is the total number of devices supplied (split by Desktop Printer and Multi-Functional Device)?

8. What Managed Print Service software solution do you use?

9. How many Mono MFDs and Colour MFDs do you have?

10. What document management solution do you use?

11. What High Volume printing devices do you use?

12. Were any framework agreements used to procure the goods/services? If so, which ones?

13. Any documentation you can provide me with, e.g. the order form

14. What department is managing the contract and who's the decision-maker?

15. How many Adobe Acrobat (standard, professional and reader) licenses do you have?

16. What is the annual cost?

17. When is the renewal date?

18. Who is responsible for the contract?

19. Do you use any other PDF editing tools?

20. Do you have a Hybrid Mail contract and when is the contract end date?

21. Who at the Trust is responsible for the HM contract?


I enclose a copy of most of the information you requested. While our aim is to provide information whenever possible, in this instance the Scottish Government does not have some of the information you have requested. This is because Printers, Multi Functional Devices (MFDs) and some software applications are purchased by business areas direct from framework suppliers therefore this information is not held centrally. This is a formal notice under section 17(1) of FOISA that the Scottish Government does not have the information you have.

The answers to your questions are detailed below.

1. What services are included in the contract(s)? (e.g. printing vs scanning etc).
Services included in the contracts are Printing, Scanning, Copying, Servicing, toner and cost per print.

2. Which supplier is delivering them? (If in-house, please confirm or if multiple providers please identify them).
Ricoh UK Ltd

3. If the supplier is not the manufacturer, which manufacturer are the devices?
Ricoh UK Ltd

4. How many contracts does this entail and what's the award value for each?
Contracts are between the individual business areas and suppliers, therefore this data is not held centrally.

5. When do these contracts expire and do they have any extensions?
Contracts are between the individual business areas and suppliers, therefore this data is not held centrally.

6. What is the annual volumetric data (split by Annual Mono and Annual Colour print)?

Start Date

End Date

Print Jobs

Total Pages

Mono Pages

Colour Pages







7. What is the total number of devices supplied (split by Desktop Printer and Multi-Functional Device)?

Printer Type












Desktop MFD








8. What Managed Print Service software solution do you use?
Kofax ControlSuite

9. How many Mono MFDs and Colour MFDs do you have?
Mono MFD 71, Colour MFD 449

10. What document management solution do you use?
Objective ERDM

11. What High Volume printing devices do you use?
Ricoh IM C2010, IM C 4500, IM C4510, IM C6000, IM C6010 & IM C8000

12. Were any framework agreements used to procure the goods/services? If so, which ones?
National Framework for the Provision of Managed Print Solutions – SP-21-046

13. Any documentation you can provide me with, e.g. the order form
The Standard Terms of Supply Order Form for the Managed Print Solutions framework is available at Annex A of Schedule 3 of the Framework Terms and Conditions which can be found at the following link: Procurement - managed print solutions framework: guidance - ( The full Standard Terms of Supply can be found at Schedule 5 of the Framework Terms and Conditions.

14. What department is managing the contract and who's the decision-maker?
Scottish Procurement & Property Directorate manage the overall framework, and individual business areas manage their own contracts between suppliers and themselves.

15. How many Adobe Acrobat (standard, professional and reader) licenses do you have?
Adobe Acrobat Pro - 1607, Acobat Standard - 411, Adobe Reader a free product so no requirement to purchase licences.

16. What is the annual cost?
Licences are owned by the business areas; therefore this data is not held centrally.

17. When is the renewal date?
May 2025

18. Who is responsible for the contract?
Licences are owned by the business areas; therefore this data is not held centrally.

19. Do you use any other PDF editing tools?
Microsoft M365

20. Do you have a Hybrid Mail contract and when is the contract end date?
We do not have a Hybrid Mail Contract

21. Who at the Trust is responsible for the HM contract?

About FOI

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Please quote the FOI reference
Central Correspondence Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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