Information relating to environmental study for the bridge at St Madoes/Glencarse: EIR release

Information request and response under the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004

Information requested

  • I would like to know the date the environmental study started on. What this study entailed, how long did it take and what were its conclusions.
  • I would also like to know how long that study will be good.
  • I would like to know when repair works are due to start and how long they will take.
  • I would like to know what proposals are in place to try and stop the bridge being hit again.


I have numbered your request for ease of reference

1. The initial environmental review report was started on the 11 May 2023.

2. The initial environmental review includes a screening and scoping of the main environmental and sustainability factors and impacts to be evaluated and highlights the need for further study, if required. The study includes an initial desk study and surveys of the works area/site. The report focusses on the key environmental and sustainability issues likely to be of relevance to the proposed scheme.

3. The ecological report was approved on the 6 September 2023.

4. The report noted the following items:

  • Noise sensitive receptors are located in close proximity to the works area
  • A European Protected Species License would need to be obtained from Nature Scot before works on site could proceed

5. Specialist structural testing and investigation works commenced on Sunday 12 November and are due for completion by Monday 20 November. These works will help inform what will be required by way of a permanent repair to restore the integrity of the bridge and remove current traffic restrictions.
There is no definitive timeline for the permanent bridge repair as it cannot be determined until the structural testing and investigation works are completed.

6. The existing bridge headroom is greater than the standard minimum clearance of 5.03 metres and it is the responsibility of drivers to ensure that their vehicles do not exceed this height. However, we are planning to undertake a technical review into possible mitigation measures at the structure to help prevent future bridge strikes.

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Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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