
Acquisition of Alford Medical Practice: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

Information requested

Information regarding the financial aspects of the acquisition and ongoing use of Alford Medical Practice.

  1. What was the source of the funding for the acquisition of the Alford Medical Practice’s premises. i.e. was the funding drawn from a central Scotland account, a central Scottish Government account or a local NHS Grampian account?
  2. In the event that NHS Grampian is successful in securing the interest of a private practice willing to assume responsibility for provision of adequate and acceptable patient services for the patients currently served by the Afford medical practice, will the premises be sold or leased to that practice to recoup the funding utilised for the acquisition of same in February 2023?
  3. Are any financial incentives available from the Scottish Government, NHS Scotland or NHS Grampian to private practices potentially interested in assuming responsibility for the delivery of adequate and acceptable patient services from the Alford Medical Practice including mortgages or loan agreements?
  4. If the mortgages and/or lease agreements are available to incentivise potential interests in assuming responsibility for the delivery of patient services from Afford Medical Practice , are these on commercially advantageous terms or at commercial market rates?
  5. In the event that there are financial incentives available to assist in transferring responsibility for the delivery of medical services from the Alford Medical Practice, are these funded by the Scottish Government, NHS Scotland or NHS Grampian from existing financial allocations?
  6. Given that Scottish Ministers acquired Afford Medical Practice in February, which entity is currently responsible for the costs incurred in respect of the day to day running and maintenance of the premises until such time as a new private sector contractor can be secured to assume responsibility for the premises?



1. What was the source of the funding for the acquisition of the Alford Medical Practice’s premises. i.e. was the funding drawn from a central Scotland account, a central Scottish Government account or a local NHS Grampian account?

NHS Grampian funded the acquisition of Alford Medical Practice. If you require further information, you can contact them using the details below.

By Post:
Information Governance
Department of eHealth
NHS Grampian
Rosehill House
Cornhill Road
AB25 2ZG

By email:

2. In the event that NHS Grampian is successful in securing the interest of a private practice willing to assume responsibility for provision of adequate and acceptable patient services for the patients currently served by the Afford medical practice, will the premises be sold or leased to that practice to recoup the funding utilised for the acquisition of same in February 2023?

This would be a matter for agreement between NHS Grampian and the practice.

3. Are any financial incentives available from Scottish Government , NHS Scotland or NHS Grampian to private practices potentially interested in assuming responsibility for the delivery of adequate and acceptable patient services from the Afford Medical Practice including mortgages or loan agreements ?

All GP practices are entitled to rent reimbursement for their premises. Practices which own their premises are entitled to rent reimbursement on a notional basis.

4. If the mortgages and/or lease agreements are available to incentivise potential interests in assuming responsibility for the delivery of patient services from Afford Medical Practice , are these on commercially advantageous terms or at commercial market rates?

Please refer to response to question 3. The Primary Medical Services (Premises Development Grants, Improvement Grants and Costs) Directions 2004: Statement of Financial Entitlements set out how rent reimbursement should be determined.

5. In the event that there are financial incentives available to assist in transferring responsibility for the delivery of medical services from the Afford Medical practice, are these funded by the Scottish Government, NHS Scotland or NHS Grampian from existing financial allocations?

Scottish Government would anticipate that these would be funded through NHS Grampian.

6. Given that Scottish Ministers acquired Afford Medical Practice in February, which entity is currently responsible for the costs incurred in respect of the day to day running and maintenance of the premises until such time as a new private sector contractor can be secured to assume responsibility for the premises?

NHS Grampian currently hold responsibility for costs incurred.

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Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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