
European Structural Funds IT System and the difference between EUMIS and ERDM data storage system: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

FOI reference: FOI/18/03300
Date received: 7 November 2018
Date responded: 27 November 2018
Information requested

You asked us for the following:

One of our partners is asking about EUMIS system – what is the full name of the system, what does it stand for, who was it developed by and what is the difference between EUMIS and eRDM data storage system?

Could you please advise?


1. The full name of the EUMIS system and what it stands for is European Management Information System.

2. EUMIS was developed by the Scottish Governments Procured IT supplier Cruise Technologies. 

  1.   The difference between EUMIS and eRDM data storage system are as follows:

•           EUMIS is an externally facing Case Management System accessible at  This contains electronic data in relation to all European Structural Funds Division Strategic Interventions and Operations

•           eRDM is the Scottish Governments internal facing electronic Record and Document Management desktop system.  This is a corporate solution used across Government for creating and storing official records and documents.

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