Equally Safe Joint Strategic Board minutes: September 2024

Minutes from the meeting of the Equally Safe Joint Strategic Board group on 11 September 2024.

Attendees and apologies


  • Kaukab Stewart MSP, Minister for Equalities, Scottish Government (SG)
  • Councillor Maureen Chalmers, Community Safety and Wellbeing Spokesperson, COSLA
  • Karen Allan, Housing and Homelessness, ALACHO
  • Steven Bertram, Police Scotland
  • Sandy Brindley, Third Sector Specialist, Rape Crisis Scotland
  • Olivia Brown MSYP, Scottish Youth Parliament
  • Kevin Campbell, Public Health Scotland
  • Amanda Coulthard, Local Authority Leadership, SOLACE
  • Eddie Doherty, Health, NHS
  • Yvonne Friel, Public Health Scotland
  • Sophie Gwyther, Local Authority Leadership, VAWP Network
  • Melanie Hyatt, Dundee VAWP
  • Samantha Keogh, Improvement Service
  • Caroline King, Public Health Scotland
  • Catriona Kirkpatrick, Third Sector Specialist, Engender
  • Joanna MacDonald, Health, Scottish Government
  • Rhona Malcolm, Scottish Youth Parliament (Attending on behalf of Philippa Balshaw)
  • Alisdair Macleod, COPFS (Attending on behalf of Emma Forbes)
  • Kelly McIntosh, Education, ADES
  • Anna Mitchell, Systems Change, Safe and Together
  • Marsha Scott, Third Sector Specialist, Scottish Women’s Aid
  • Linda Thompson, Third Sector Specialist, Women’s Support Project
  • Laura Tomson, Third Sector Specialist, Zero Tolerance
  • Safa Yousaf, Third Sector Specialist, AMINA


  • Mariam Ahmed, Third Sector Specialist, AMINA
  • Philippa Balshaw, Scottish Youth Parliament
  • Emma Forbes, COPFS
  • Lucy Denvir, Public Health, NHS Fife
  • Karyn McCluskey, Community Justice Scotland
  • Joanna McLaughlin, Improvement Service

Items and actions

Item 1 - Welcome and apologies

The Minister welcomed members to the meeting and introduced herself as the new co-chair of the JSB alongside Councillor Chalmers. Meeting attendance and apologies were noted.

Item 2 - Minutes of May meeting and actions arising

The Minister asked members for any final comments on the May meeting minutes (ACTION 7 is the only one still outstanding). There is an opportunity for the Board to discuss this action, the intersectionality of poverty, at the December Board meeting.

Sandy Brindley (RCS) requested that her ask for an update on the sex offender programme is reflected in the previous minutes.

ACTION 1: SG Justice officials to meet with Sandy Brindley to discuss the sex offender programme.

ACTION 2: SG officials to amend the May minutes in line with comments and upload to the SG webpages.

Item 3 - Scottish Government update

Officials provided an update on the Equally Safe Delivery Plan and launch event that took place in August at Glasgow and Clyde Rape Crisis centre.

Policy officials highlighted the recent Programme for Government (PfG) publication which notes the implementation of the Equally Safe Delivery Plan and the commitment to work with Police Scotland and Crimestoppers/Fearless to develop a ‘sextortion’ campaign. Concerns that the Human Right Bill is not contained in the PfG were expressed, as this would have a significant impact on work to address women’s equality.

Officials noted the Justice Beacon project progress, but concerns were also raised that the project merely reiterates issues that are already understood. Officials confirmed that there would be further opportunity for the JSB to be involved in the future development of the project.

Progress on the Challenging Men’s Demand strategic approach was shared with the Board and that a pilot site is still to be finalised. The Board agreed the approach reflected an important change in dialogue, moving away from sex work being a choice. Discussions also highlighted the JSB’s role in governance and accountability, the need for a clear action plan for the framework, and challenges around expectations, resourcing, and collaboration that was raised at the 6th September workshop.

Item 4 - Violence Against Women and Girls Sustainable Funding Project board update

The Minister outlined the decision to postpone the VAWG Sustainable Funding Project Board on 10 September. Concerns were raised about the timescale of the DES funding update and reassurance was provided about on-going work to explore the future of the Delivering Equally Safe (DES) Fund.

Item 5 - Public health approach workshop

Representatives from Public Health Scotland (PHS), the Improvement Service and Dundee VAWP presented on utilising a Public Health approach.

The Board considered how such an approach might be meaningfully progressed to deliver the prevention related actions as set out in the Delivery Plan.

There was agreement on ensuring that a systemic approach is integrated but also the importance of having clear distinctions between the different forms of prevention.

There were reflections that a Public Health approach could also be utilised within the Challenging Men’s Demand framework, including the proposed pilot.

ACTION 3: SG officials to share the slides from the Public Health approach workshop with the Board.

Item 6 - 16 Days of Activism

Following a presentation on the 2024 16 Days campaign, members shared key events that they are planning within their own areas and organisations.

Members preferred a ‘roadshow’, rather than a one-off national event. A previous national event that took place online had been positive in terms of engaging different people, with senior figures in attendance from a variety of different organisations.

The Board also discussed a possible focus on young people and the topics of consent and relationships, in line with the recently launched Delivery Plan and ongoing prevention work in schools.

ACTION 4: Officials to arrange a follow up conversation with Sandy Brindley on having an event centered around young people.

Item 7 - Summary of Actions

Officials provided a summary of the meetings actions.

ACTION 5: Officials to ensure that work to develop ES governance structures recognises and strengthens oversight of current developments to tackle CSE.

Item 8 – AOB and Close

The flexibility of future meeting dates, specifically the next one planned for 18 December was raised. SG officials noted that they would explore what could be done.   


  • SG Justice officials to meet with Sandy Brindley to discuss the sex offender programme
  • SG officials to amend the May minutes in line with comments and upload to the SG webpages
  • SG officials to share the slides from the Public Health approach workshop with the Board
  • officials to arrange a follow up conversation with Sandy Brindley on having an event centered around young people
  • SG officials to ensure that work to develop ES governance structures recognises and strengthens oversight of current developments to tackle CSE


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