Equality Data Improvement Programme project board - highlight report: February 2024

Paper from the meeting of the group on 6 February 2024.

Project name: Equality Data Improvement Programme (EDIP)
Senior Responsible Officer: Mick Wilson, Head of Communities Analysis Division
Project Manager: Beth Cocker /Molly Halligan
Next project meeting: 06/02/2024
Period covering: 08/11/2024-26/01/2024
Report date: 26/01/2024
RAG last period: Green
RAG this period: Green

Summary of overall progress 

Analysts across the Scottish Government and NRS are now progressing the agreed equality data improvement actions, which are all due for completion by the end of 2025. Action leads provided an update on progress in January 2024.

Of the 45 actions in the strategy:

  • 9 are complete, the same number as the October progress update
  • 21 are on course, the same number as the October progress update
  • 5 are delayed, an increase from 4 at the October progress update
  • 10 are not yet started, a reduction from 11 at the October progress update

Project achievements for this period

The Equality Analysis Team published the 2023 Gender Equality Index - Scotland’s Gender Equality Index 2023 

The Labour Market and Employability Action (39) related to plans to publish more detailed analysis on different characteristics for its devolved employability services (including intersectional breakdowns of disability, age, sex and ethnicity) was marked as complete and updated with the following:

Milestones/tasks planned but not achieved

Five actions are currently delayed:

Action 1: Relating to looked after children data, work to publish statistics for the ‘Prefer not to say’ option for sex is underway but it is not possible to publish statistics yet. Consultation on the collection of trans status data is postponed until the next user engagement activity which is planned for Spring with final decisions around next steps to be made in the Summer of 2024.

Action 2: Relating to child protection data, additional breakdowns by equalities characteristic not yet competed. The disability data review underway, and 'Prefer not to say' data collection underway, but consultation on trans status data is postponed until the next user engagement activity which is planned for Spring with final decisions to be made in the Summer of 2024.

Action 22: Previously the Equality Analysis team updated that they would carry out and publish a review of available quantitative and qualitative evidence on the experiences of non-binary people in Scotland. Work is underway to review the tasks related to this action and compile evidence with an aim to publish in 2024/5 (date yet to be confirmed).

Action 27: Relating to the Health and Care Experience Survey (completion date was set to end of 2023). Modelling and analysis work of examining variation in patient experiences is complete. The publication is in draft and the team are consulting with colleagues on the presentation of the figures. The team are aiming to publish towards the end of February 2024.

Action 45: In the previous quarter, NRS updated that an initial analysis of council level data on the number of dwellings subject to a disabled reduction has been completed. This analysis is being written up to share with the relevant SG teams, for information and as a basis for deciding whether it would be worthwhile collecting at a more detailed level of geography. NRS have since updated that this work has been delayed.

Milestones/tasks planned but not achieved

Five actions are currently delayed:

Action 1: Relating to looked after children data, work to publish statistics for the ‘Prefer not to say’ option for sex is underway but it is not possible to publish statistics yet. Consultation on the collection of trans status data is postponed until the next user engagement activity which is planned for Spring with final decisions around next steps to be made in the Summer of 2024.

Action 2: Relating to child protection data, additional breakdowns by equalities characteristic not yet competed. The disability data review underway, and 'Prefer not to say' data collection underway, but consultation on trans status data is postponed until the next user engagement activity which is planned for Spring with final decisions to be made in the Summer of 2024.

Action 22: Previously the Equality Analysis team updated that they would carry out and publish a review of available quantitative and qualitative evidence on the experiences of non-binary people in Scotland. Work is underway to review the tasks related to this action and compile evidence with an aim to publish in 2024/5 (date yet to be confirmed).

Action 27: Relating to the Health and Care Experience Survey (completion date was set to end of 2023). Modelling and analysis work of examining variation in patient experiences is complete. The publication is in draft and the team are consulting with colleagues on the presentation of the figures. The team are aiming to publish towards the end of February 2024.

Action 45: In the previous quarter, NRS updated that an initial analysis of council level data on the number of dwellings subject to a disabled reduction has been completed. This analysis is being written up to share with the relevant SG teams, for information and as a basis for deciding whether it would be worthwhile collecting at a more detailed level of geography. NRS have since updated that this work has been delayed.

Plans for next period

  • the Equality Analysis Team will continue with the first evidence synthesis on the experiences of people with intersecting characteristics. This will focus on minority ethnic women's experiences, and the team are planning on publishing in the first half of 2024 (date yet to be confirmed). This is to complement the Gender Equality Index and is in collaboration with the NPF team
  • Health and Social Care Experience Survey modelling and analysis on the variation in patient experience is complete with the aim to publish towards the end of February 2024
  • the Justice Analytical team will be publishing a grant-funded report exploring South Asian women's perceptions and experiences of domestic abuse and justice “Diversifying Justice - Revealing domestic abuse realities and viable help seeking pathways for South Asian Women” is soon to be published (date yet to be confirmed).
  • Additional equalities data will be included in the next iteration of Transport and Travel In Scotland which will be published in early 2024
  • the Care Home Data Review report is currently being finalised and is planned to be published in Q1 of 2024

Key risks

Risk no. 1

Some actions within the Equality Evidence Strategy are not taken forward by analysts    
Severity (1-5): 4 
Probability (1-5): 2
Actions: Equality analysis team have gained buy-in from a network of analysts to help drive the work forward.  The EDIP programme also has senior buy in from the Analytical Leadership Group (ALG), along with the Chief Statistician and Chief Social Researcher.  
Impact of Actions on Risks: Development of the equality evidence base would be impacted  

Risk no. 2

Resources – staffing changes within equality analysis team and wider analytical group 
Severity (1-5): 3
Probability (1-5): 5
Actions: Ensure that any new staff taking up roles are well briefed of their responsibilities with regards to equality data improvement.  
Impact of Actions on Risks: Potential delays to actions being taken forward by equality analysis  

Project RAG status key

Red: some risks/issues require immediate attention from the Programme Manager/Challenge Owner/Lead
Amber: some risks/issues are self contained within tolerances
Green: project is proceeding on schedule

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