Draft Winter Heating Assistance for Children and Young People (Scotland) Regulations 2020

Draft regulations setting out how we will use devolved powers to make an annual payment to children and young people with disabilities to support with the increased winter heating costs they incur.


The Regulations set out the detail of how we will use devolved powers to make an annual payment to children and young people with disabilities to support with the increased costs of heating their homes in Winter:

  • the Scottish Government will provide Child Winter Heating Assistance worth £200 to families with the most seriously disabled children to help with fuel costs
  • this payment will be made to all children and young people in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) in the qualifying week each year

The Scottish Commission on Social Security

Copies of the draft Regulations have also been issued to the Scottish Commission on Social Security (SCoSS) for scrutiny as required by the duty placed on Scottish Ministers set out in section 97 of the Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018.

SCoSS will provide a report in relation to the policy proposals set out in regulations which will be laid before parliament, alongside the draft regulations, in late summer 2020.

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