Cyber resilience: incident management

Cyber capability toolkit to help organisations develop plans for responding to the threat of cyber attacks.

The cyber capability toolkit has been created to help organisations manage their cyber incident response.

The toolkit (attached) contains:

  • a model public sector incident response plan template
  • a model incident response plan template for private and third party organisations
  • a set of playbooks covering data loss, denial of service, malware, phishing and ransomware 
  • a cyber incident assessment tool designed to provide high level insight into the organisation's maturity across a range of related incident management controls

The toolkit will be subject to constant review, building on good practice, lessons from exercises and incidents and feedback from public bodies.

Cyber incident response plan - public sector: template
Cyber incident response plan - private and third sector: template
Cyber incident response: data loss playbook
Cyber incident response: denial of service playbook
Cyber incident response: malware playbook
Cyber incident response: phishing playbook
Cyber incident response: ransomware playbook
Cyber incident readiness assessment



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