
A Consultation on proposals for a Mental Health (Scotland) Bill

A consultation on a draft Mental Health Bill

Foreword by the Minister for Public Health, Michael Matheson, MSP

Minister for Public Health Michael Matheson MSP

The Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 is well regarded by service users and their carers in Scotland and by mental health professionals.

This consultation paper seeks views on proposals for a draft Mental Health Bill. This draft Bill brings forward changes to improve the operation of the 2003 Act - notably in relation to named persons, advance statements, medical matters and suspension of detention. In addition the draft Bill makes provision for a Victim Notification Scheme for victims of Mentally Disordered Offenders.

This consultation runs until 25 March 2014 and at the end of that period we will carefully review the responses received. We plan to introduce a draft Bill to the Scottish Parliament before the 2014 summer recess, which subject to Parliamentary scrutiny, will result in a more efficient and stream-lined system for service users and practitioners alike.

Minister for Public Health Michael Matheson MSP signature

Michael Matheson MSP

Minister for Public Health


Email: Mental Health Law mailbox

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