
Consultation on Proposals to Introduce a Statutory Duty of Candour for Health and Social Care Services

This consultation document invites views on the Scottish Government's proposals to introduce legislation that will require organisations providing health and social care to tell people if there has been an event involving them where physical or psychological harm has occurred as a result of care or treatment.

Supporting documents

002 Dr Robert Farley
003 Carolyn Clark
005 Alex Paton - North Ayrshire PPF
007 Nursing and Midwifery NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
009 South Ayrshire Council, Adult Community Care
010 Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
011 NHS Lothian
013 West Lothian Council
015 NHS National Services Scotland
016 Royal College of Nursing Scotland
017 Community Pharmacy Scotland
018 Care Inspectorate
020 North Ayrshire Council
021 East Dunbartonshire Council
022 General Pharmaceutical Council
023 Renfrewshire Child Protection Committee
025 Alzheimer Scotland
028 East and Midlothian Public Protection Committee
030 Ros Micklem, Ms
031 Scottish Ambulance Service
032 Medical Defence Union
033 Marie Curie
035 Falkirk Council Social Work Services
036 Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC)
037 Children 1st
039 Argyll and Bute Council
041 NHS 24
044 NHS Ayrshire and Arran
046 The National Carer Organisations
048 The National Pharmacy Association Ltd
049 General Dental Council
050 North Lanarkshire Council
051 NHS Lanarkshire
052 Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland
053 NHS Forth Valley - AHPProfessional Support Group
054 NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
055 BMA Scotland
056 NHS Lothian (Community Nursing)
057 Information Commissioner's Office
058 NHS Tayside
059 Sandra Wylie
060 Scottish Public Services Ombudsman
061 NSPCC Scotland
062 Healthcare Improvement Scotland
063 NHS Lothian
064 Scottish Infected Blood Forum
065 The Salvation Army
066 United Kingdom Homecare Association (UKHCA)
068 Aberdeenshire Council
069 Patients First Scotland
070 Law Society of Scotland
071 Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance
072 The Company Chemists Association
073 Scottish Independent Hospital Association
076 Picker Institute Edinburgh
077 AvMA - Action Against Medical Accidents
078 Enable
080 NHS Tayside
081 WithScotland
082 NHS Health Scotland
083 Quarrier
084 GMC Scotland
086 The Alliance
087 NHS National Waiting Times Centre
088 British Red Cross
091 BLM
092 Fife Council
094 Medical Protection Society (MPS)
098 Parkinson's UK in Scotland
099 Coalition of Care and Support Providers (CCPS)
100 Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists
101 Scottish Care
102 South Lanarkshire Council
103 NHS Forth Valley
107 National Steering Group for Cervical Cytology
110 Social Work Scotland
Respondent Information Form and Consultation Questions
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