Consultation on Fisheries Management Measures within Scottish Offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) - Online Engagement Event Four minutes: September 2024

Minutes from the fourth online engagement event, held on 18 September 2024, in support of the consultation on fisheries management measures within Scottish Offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).

Attendees and apologies

  • officials from Scottish Government Marine Directorate
  • officials from Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC)
  • nine external attendees, representing members of the public and organisations (these events were wholly open to the public to allow them to ask questions on the on-going consultation and the names of individuals have not been provided)

Items and actions

Introduction and presentation

A short presentation was given to attendees for background and wider context for the public consultation on fisheries management within offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).


Open floor questions and statements


Proposal for minimal transiting speeds of 6 knots will provide indication if fishing activities are taking place within MPAs. Common sense and investigation will be used to determine if activity is occurring or for other reasons, such as bad weather. Vessel monitoring systems (VMS) will be used for enforcement of the final management measures by Marine Directorate (MD) Compliance. Frequency of VMS ping rate will be advised by MD Compliance and wider discussions are already ongoing regarding this across the MD. 

Gear categorisation

Gear categorisation can be found within the consultation documents and largely is classed as ‘demersal mobile' and 'demersal static' gear. Demersal set longlines and gear code of LLS (set longlines) are included within demersal static gear restrictions. 

Timelines for final management measures

Following closure of the consultation on the 14th of October 2024, consultation analysis will commence and we will be seeking to bring in the final measures as soon as possible following the completion of the Consultation Report.  


These are available to view online:  Option 1 (this includes the 15 sites with zoned measures, and five sites with full site restrictions) and Option 2 (full site measures). If there are any issues email and files can be sent directly. 



Send attendee shapfiles directly.

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