Care home data review

Summary of the background to, progress of, and future aims of the Care Home Data Review, begun in 2022.


The Care Home Data Review (CHDR) is a collaboration between Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland and Care Inspectorate, and began in late 2022. On this page you can stay updated with our progress, and contribute to the review yourself.

Please note that care home data, statistics, publications and reports published by the Scottish Government are on the social care analysis page. This also links to other organisations which produce care home data.

Background information

The Office for Statistical Regulation’s 2020 report on Adult Social Care Statistics highlighted a number of issues with the current care home evidence base, relating to data quality, coherence and gaps. It noted that, whilst there are a number of data producers, the data landscape can be confusing and does not currently provide the insight it could to meet the needs of stakeholders. In addition, current data collections place a significant burden on care home data providers but do not necessarily collect information that benefits them.

In response, Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland and the Care Inspectorate are jointly conducting a review of the care home data landscape. The review is considering improvements around the content, quality and frequency of current data collections, and alternative methods of data collection, and aims to ensure a coherent suite of data collections, reduce the burden on data providers and meet the existing and emerging needs of data users.

Key elements of the review are to:

  • map the current care home data landscape and consider improvements around the content, quality and frequency of current data collections, and/or alternative methods of data collection, to ensure stakeholder needs are met as comprehensively and efficiently as possible
  • reduce the ask of data providers and ensure we both balance the need for evidence with respondent burden and maximise benefit for providers
  • identify and prioritise actions to address any key gaps in care home data
  • establish a network of data providers/users and processes for ongoing stakeholder engagement to understand emerging needs/issues

Workshop – 14 March 2023

An online workshop was held on the morning of Tuesday 14 March 2023, which had over 110 people in attendance from a range of data providing and using organisations. The results of this workshop are still being written up, but below you can find links to some initial documents summarising what was discussed:

Workshop slides

There were 4 speakers in the first whole-group session of the workshop, who gave the following presentations. Their PowerPoint slides are linked below:

Menti wordclouds

In the initial interactive session, we used Mentimeter to gather feedback from participants. 2 word clouds are linked below, showing the key issues that data providers and users reported:

Each of these word clouds had a follow-up question where we asked participants to rank the top 7 - 9 issues suggested by other participants. These rankings are shown on the second page of these word clouds.

Summary of workshop disussions

The workshop summary document summarises the issues raised during the 12 breakout sessions, together with possible solutions suggested by participants. These issues and suggested solutions are quotes or paraphrases of workshop participants’ views, so do not necessarily reflect the views of the Scottish Government or our delivery partners, nor are they an indication of practicality. Also, as the workshop was only one source of information, the eventual solutions implemented may be wider than these. However, everything noted here will still be considered fully.


We had a visual notetaker, Clare Mills, in attendance at the whole-group session and two of the breakout sessions, who produced the following 2 visualisations summarising what was discussed. The first depicts the current challenges with care home data, as reported by participants, split into 9 key categories. The second outlines the key themes to be considered by the CHDR in order to improve the data landscape.

Initial questionnaire

An online questionnaire was open for comments from late October 2022 to the end of May 2023. We are currently analysing the results, which will be published here soon.

Care home data mapping

We will be publishing some of the output from the initial data mapping phase of the review here shortly.

A summary of data sources on adult social care and care homes, together with suggestions of priority development areas for this data can be found in the following report:

How to contribute

We will provide details here over the coming weeks of how to contribute to the later stages of the review, for example by joining smaller focussed follow-up workshops.  In the meantime, please feel free to send any specific review-related feedback to

Workshop presentations

Introduction to CHDR (David Cruickshank)
Data - a care home perspective (Alyson Vale)
Insights from 4 Care Home Data Projects (Lucy Johnston)
Data and Social Care Policy (Christine McGregor)

Mentimeter word clouds

Data providers' word cloud
Data users' word cloud

Workshop visualisations

Key themes for improvement visualisation
Challenges visualisation


If you have comments or questions about the review, please email them to

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