Age, Home and Community Monitoring and Advisory Group minutes: December 2018
- Published
- 3 July 2019
Minutes of the December 2018 meeting of the Age, Home and Community Monitoring and Advisory Group.
Attendees and apologies
- Zhan McIntyre, SFHA
- Diana Findley, SOPA
- Paul Short, Fife Council
- Julia Fitzpatrick, Horizon Housing Association
- Robert Thomson, Care and Repair Scotland
- Jim Eadie, Age Scotland
- Callum Chomczuk, CIH
- Kate Morrison, COSLA
- David Petrie, Homes for Scotland
- Bridget Curran, Wheatley Group (part)
- Denise Murdoch, Wheatley Group (part)
- Sarah Newton, Scottish Government
- Dafni Dimna, Scottish Government
- Michele Aitken, Scottish Government
- Karen Mechan, Scottish Government
- Angela O’Brien, Scottish Government (Chair)
- Margaret Irving, Scottish Government (Minutes)
Items and actions
1. Welcome, introductions and apologies
Apologies from:
Anne-Marie Thomson, Scottish Government; Helen Murdoch, Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association; Anne Grove, Scottish Government; Rohini Joshi, Trust Housing; Moira Bayne, Housing Options Scotland; Steve Byrne, Tenant representative; Ruth Robin, ihub; Amanda Britain, TEC
Angela welcomed everyone, particularly those attending for the first time. She asked the group to introduce themselves – name and organisation and for any additional business items for the Agenda.
2. Minutes of last meeting (20 June 2018)
Minutes for the last meeting were sent out on 3 July 2018. No amendments were received at the time or noted during the meeting. The minutes will be added to the Scottish Government web pages.
3. Age, Home and Community Annual Monitoring Report 2018
Sarah Newton introduced the new Annual Monitoring report which Dafni Dima presented. Many of the indicators had remained stable so Dafni focussed on areas which had changed over the year. Presentation covered various issues including wellbeing, advice provision, fuel poverty, falls, GP practices, care home places and costs and community.
The group welcomed the report and raised a number of questions covering fuel poverty definition, carers support at home, care homes and rehabilitation support, costs of providing care in different locations and care at home being more cost effective than hospital care. The presentation will be circulated to the group after the meeting.
4. Housing options for older people
Angela introduced Bridget Curran and Denise Murdoch from Glasgow Health and Social Care Partnership both of whom were members of the initial multi-disciplinary team which developed Glasgow's Housing Option model in partnerships with Community Homeless Teams and partner RSLs. Over the last three years they have developed Housing Options for Older People with housing, health and social work colleagues to help prevent the delayed discharge and avoidable hospital admission of older people with housing issues. Denise's background is in housing and homelessness and Bridget's is in community development and social work.
The presentation included an overview of the project and case studies illustrating its impact on individuals and their families as well as both housing and health and social care stakeholders.
The group was very impressed with the project and asked a number of questions which covered topics including the possibility of replication of the project elsewhere, funding by Health and Social Care Partnership, case load composition (60% social tenants, 20% owner occupier and 20% private rented), different options depending on tenure, market opportunity to provide homes for owner occupiers and housing design standards.
Angela thanked Bridget and Denise on behalf of the group. A copy of the presentation will be sent to members after the meeting.
5. Age, Home and Community: the next phase action plan
Angela introduced the item saying that this is a live document and will be updated for every meeting. The intention would be to discuss exceptions rather than go through every action. It was suggested that having a list of projects, case studies and activities that tied into the actions would be good. The group were invited to provide feedback on any further areas they would like to see included in the action plan.
6. Intergenerational Living subgroup
Angela explained the background to this item and the inclusion of a commitment to exploring options around intergenerational living within the 2018 Programme for Government. The group noted that there were many examples of intergenerational living already happening and felt it was important that these are recognised. It is our intention to establish a short life working group which will be a sub-group of the Age, Home and Community Monitoring and Advisory Group. The sub group will include some members of the Advisory group and other people with expertise in the area. The first step will be a mapping exercise to find out what currently exists.
The group discussed examples of intergenerational living both in and out-with Scotland. These included a home sharing pilot project involving adults with learning difficulties, teaching/care home/ hospital project aimed at addressing the recruitment of students into the allied health care industry, practicalities of co-housing, recognising the successful work already delivered by RSLs.
7. Updates
Given the full discussion on previous items, members will be provided post meeting with written updates on the following:
- Health and Social Care: Michele Aitken
- Age Scotland: Jim Eadie
- iHub Activity: Ruth Robin
8. Any other business
Zhan McIntyre mentioned that SFHA is planning a practical event for its members which will reflect the Right Advice, Right Home and Right Support themes from Age, Home and Community. Zhan will provide further details once available.
Karen Mechan said that Scottish Government intended to publish an Older People’s Framework early next year.
Angela noted that a number of members had recently left the group (Jonathan Fair, Homes for Scotland, Heather Noller, Carers Trust Scotland and Nicola Dickie, COSLA – now replaced by Kate Morrison) and we intend to recruit some new representatives to cover these interests.
9. Date of next meeting
Next meeting takes place in June 2019
Housing and Independent Living
December 2018
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